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Sunday, June 21, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: Sheriff Mike Lewis Folds After NAACP Put Pressure On Him Last Night

It's true and yes, I can't believe it either but I'm told after all the violence within our country at this moment Sheriff Lewis didn't want to add to that situation. I'm also told he will bring back support at a later date when things calm down. 

Last night Sheriff Lewis attended a NAACP Rally and was dissed by several people there, including Sharee Sample Hughes, Mary Ashonte and others. Sheriff Lewis asked the Council to remove this from the agenda this morning.

With all due respect, it sure does sound like someone laid down their gun. I'm sorry but I personally just lost a LOT of respect for this man. 


  1. BOOM
    The TRUE Mike the hard ass is a PUSSY.

  2. You all wanted law enforcement to step back folks well you got it and it is only going to get worse. Criminals don’t stop being criminals while cops are being reformed. Lol. Crazyness

  3. Please put this back up at 8 am 😁 Joe.

  4. Lost my respect a few years ago! Would arrest his own family! Ha that's a bunch of bologna! Not surprised he would cave!

  5. Seems like a true politician. Those thousands of people who praised you in the 2a groups who also voted for you will remember this come election time.

  6. I'm sure he has his reasons but just so he knows, we will not back down. When it goes full throttle it will be game on...smh...mho

  7. Mike Lewis please stand your ground and dont back down. We elected you because your tough. We already have a mayor and police chief who have their heads up all the lefties asses. We cant afford you their also. We need a NAAWP NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF WHITE PEOPLE!!!! wait, blacks will riot and claim racism if we did that. Double standard.

    1. It’s called the KKK.

    2. It's called affirmative action, United negro college fund, BET, all black colleges.... need me to continue

    3. No but those are good programs opposed to the ones I see yours my case load utilize the most around here, Snap, methadone, ssi disability for mental health, need me to continue...

    4. @10:24 most of us white people don't like the white trash abusing those systems either. The fakers/abusers of government funds need to get up off their lazy behinds and get to work too. And they SURE don't need to reproduce. 2 wrongs most certainly don't make a right.

  8. Why try to steer your boat against the wind?

    1. Because the shit storm that's blowing it will sink the boat if you don't fight it.

  9. If you are not proficient in weaponry take time to do so that you can protect your family and property. You are on your own as always. Do not be concerned with legality, be concerned with survival. You may encounter unusual times in the near future, I pray not.

    1. 11:16 Spot on! You don’t need a piece of paper to carry.

    2. Our legislators feel the citizens of Maryland do not have the right to 'self defense', there are no laws to protect you. Actually if you try to defend your self there IS a law which states you are to run away from an attacker! So be aware if you try to defend your self and hurt someone YOU could be charged with a crime. Don't believe me, Google 'self defense' in Maryland and be prepared to be shocked. Even in your own home you are not fully covered to defend it. Know the law before you react to being attacked! Even if you have a CCW license they want you to run from an attacker with a knife or gun, so much for living in the 'Free State' ... free to be robbed, beaten or raped if you can't run faster!!

    3. Tough chit on maryland law. Id rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6. Arm up

  10. Lol. He and his band of merry men should be defunded.

    1. 11:24 pm. Go to sleep - you are not funny.

  11. Yeah, great time to throw out the second amendment. While all hell is breaking loose and half the politicians want to refund the police. What an idiot.

    1. Everyone needs to get locked and loaded. I'm telling you some dark times are coming.

  12. Seemed like just a few years ago it was “I will not allow the residents of WACOMICO county to have their guns taken” and people talking about the election. He doesn’t care.

  13. Like a COWARD Mike Lewis caved into the rabid African Americans. No more Mr. Tough Guy! You failed Mike Lewis.

    1. Nahh, he just did nt allow his career to be destroyed by snagged tooth, overall wearing, flea itching hill billys

  14. Mike Lewis blamed it on the "despicable murder by a Minneapolis Police officer."

    I have this question to ask for Mr. Lewis. When you shot and killed that black man on the Salisbury Bypass as a Maryland State Trooper around 20 years ago, was that a "despicable murder by a Maryland State Trooper?" You know, just like you said about the George Floyd arrest, right??

    The difference is that George Floyd wasn't murdered but he died in the hands of a police officer. You shot and killed that black man. Couldn't you have done a better job to de-escalate that situation, Mr. Bad A$$ Sheriff?? You through that Minneapolis Police officer under the bus. If Mikey will throw that officer under the bus without a fair trial then what do you think he would do to his own Deputies?? If I was a Wicomico County Sheriff's Deputy I would resign before he threw me under the bus.

    So much for the Brotherhood!!

  15. “Read my lips, NO new taxes!“

  16. Smart thing to do right now. Just a delay.

    1. Showing his True colors 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹

  17. We still have guns and know how to use em

  18. Smart move there's a time and place to get what you want. Those who don't get that have little of nothing. I am a 100% 2nd amendment supporter.

    1. Right. smart thing to do. just listen to the ignorant fools on here. It's these same a holes that made him and my self as 2nd amendment supporter think twice. who the hell feel safe and secure about the likes of these next headlines waiting to happen around here walking around thinking they are the deputy judge and jury ready to gun someone down then lie. yall ain ready. You sound immature irresponsible and real hill Billy like. Get it together. I don't blame that man for not risking his career and all he s built for some ignorant loose cannons.

  19. My Constitution and Rights are NON NEGOTIABLE! Youve concerned yourself about loosing a handful of votes from those racist yet clearly blow smoke about DELAYING the Rights of every law abiding citizen whom voted to elect you to PRESERVE and PROTECT these RIGHTS. Justice delayed is justice denied. Youve spit on my vote and support, as likely half the county. Racist political traitor. We the People brought this issue before the Co Council not mike the politician lewis so it better not damn site get taken down. Get yourself before the public and explain how youd rather pander to racist than support the Constitution!
    Your a serious disappointment in these troubled times!

  20. Wow, cuffing the Constitution while pretending your going to protect drug invested violent racist communist while they loot and burn our properties. WTF are YOU smoking?!?!?

  21. This shouldn't surprise anyone!! Those of us that watch and listen learned a long time ago that ALL of salisbury's government both city and county are in it for themselves. I guess that new 8 million dollar sheriff's office must have been a bargaining chip. If anyone truly knew what kind of deals that are made between Lewis, Cannon, Dykes and Jake Day this would make a lot of sense to you. Wicomico county courts and sheriff's office have a tremendous budget (career security) thanks to Jake Day.

  22. Well. Time for new sheriff

  23. Just calm down people. Black people get arrested more which means they don't have equal access to legal guns.
    However, these people still have the right to defend their self with fire arms in my opinion and the laws for being in possession of an unregistered weapon need to change. It's not the gov business to know what guns I or anyone else have.

    1. They get arrested more because they are ones committing the crimes.

    2. They still have the right to protect their self and family regardless

    3. lol. no white privilege affords you the privilege of avoiding felonies while most blacks are charged w/ felonies for the same crimes. lol yall really sound like some 1800 scared fools. smh you really sound ignorant and dumb. Black people really are not thinking about you we just trying to be amass the money and opportunity you do. By the way, I'm licensed boo and my guns don't discriminate. instead of worrying about dumb shh worry about trying to get the stupid laws that prosecute people for defending their homes and land changed

  24. Never had much respect for him to start with but what little I did have is completely gone now.

  25. The wheels are about to come off of Mike lewis' gravy train. There's a lot of ridiculous abuse of taxpayers dollars that goes on within this department. A lot of double dipping whether it be lewis' getting paid for his training fees while on county time or his deputies running side businesses while on taxpayers money. This garbage here needs to be put in check

  26. I told you and you wouldn't listen.

    YOUR rights are only a "convenience" to them.

    THEY will decide which of those conveniences you can actually use at any given moment.

    As if the police will be there for you. Even in the best of times, they are usually NOT.
    This time around, they'll be very busy protecting their own families.
    Lock and load.

    Or keep cheering "your guy".

  27. 6:11 - I agree. Waiting until cooler heads prevail is a smart move. Most are running on emotions right now and that could work against his suggestion for a sanctuary county. I'm sure Mike knew he'd take flak over this, but it was the better play at this point in time. RESPECT for understanding the mood and situation!

    1. It's been a month. How much time do they need?? They had no plan in place. Because they have no leadership. The first time shit hits the fan they buckle. Just more excuses for ineptness.

    2. So maybe this is a chess move that we will actually benifit? Let's have a little hope, faith and patience at this moment. That may be all we have,and a stack of ammo!

      Pro 2A supporter

  28. Salisbury, the new Baltimore !

  29. 748am...cooler heads my a$$...you, like the rest of the pansies want everyone to stand down while these violent communist aniti-amercans rape pillage and burn our towns...nah...not here...far far too many gave their lives to protect this Country and OUR Constitution to let some two bit politician with a badge let it get burned down. Its time to bring rope to the communist and their sympathizers no matter what race they identify with.

    1. Amen. I'm ready for the purge to take place and put all these lefties in their place.

  30. I have NO loss of respect for our sheriff over this.

    1. You should. He has NO INTEGRITY.

  31. Mike, remember when you were an MSP and had the highest arrest rate for drug trafficking in the state. That's the Mike Lewis we need now!!!

  32. What do you mean he removed the second amendment?

  33. This was a mistake Mike I hope you change your mind, you can't cave and give in the law is the law and they will take one weakness and run with it.

  34. I told you that POS would fold!!! And again I was right!!!

  35. Say what you want but he caved. You should have seen this coming. He did endorse Jakey for mayor. The good ole boy turned on his people.

  36. With such a courageous and conservative County Council, consisting of a majority of republicans, why would they need the Sheriff to propose a Declaration making Wicomico County a Second Amendment County? Can they not just do the declaration themselves?

  37. America 2020 needs to Throw OUT Affirmative Action Laws & have
    Real Equality for ALL !!!

    Whites need a NAAWP to protect their Rights
    Whites are tired of being Discriminated Against All the time over 50 years now !!!

    They can't have anything Like example : a Whitish show / WET /
    White anything , yet Whatever Blacks do is Okay & legitimized !!!

    Whites have to pay for a Private school for their kids , just to get them
    a decent school that is safe !!! Forced Busing is still in force too !!!

    White culture does Not exist & respected at all & many Monuments
    & flags being taken down to erase History , even religion, especially Christianity !! FACT wheather this is Posted or not !!! FACT

    1. You're right Naawp= National association against white people. lmaoss.

  38. It was Gary’s idea.

  39. He's more interested in his political future and not being under the microscope for holding violent blm/antifa thugs accountable. His career and shiny clean badge are more valuable than your rights, your buildings or health and welfare. Not even one word while the communist politicians of this state stomped all over our Constitutional Rights the past 3 months. Fraud. The 2A sanctuary request was brought by We the People not by lewis, he was asked to support it and he did...yet now he acts like its all his idea, his request, his Rights to forfeit.
    They know the violence is coming here too and all the monument removing, all the cowering, all the apologizing...all the taking a knee will not stop it...it will only greet it with open arms/encourage it. And you'll have those like this sawed-off fizzle stick to thank for it.

    1. Political future you say. That’s funny.

  40. Told you so! All the grand standing in Annapolis about citizens 2A rights was just that, grand standing. He's just an Fn politician, nothing more, nothing less.

  41. Joe, you don't understand why Lewis tabled the discussion during this particular time in history because you're really not that bright. Which may explain why you were obliterated in your run for mayor and why you still think you're a journalist when you're nothing more than a commentator, a person with an opinion on the news of the day. Lewis was smart enough to know that trying to sell ice in a middle of a blizzard isn't the best time to sell ice.

  42. Maryland

    The castle doctrine in Maryland states that when a person is inside their home, they do not have to retreat. A homeowner is allowed to stand their ground and attempt to defend themselves against an intruder, as long as the use of force is reasonable.  

    Maryland also has a duty to retreat law that states if a person is defending themselves outside of their home, they have a duty to retreat. For more information on the laws, click here. 

    1. You didn’t mention if a intruder enters where you stays. The occupant shall retreat if there is a additional exit. Meaning let the bad guy take over and you run like hell without blowing their chit away. Also, in said Maryland Doctrines:(

    2. Thank you, you have to allow them inside your house and be able to PROVE they were in the process of attacking you. Then you will be charged and have to prove your innocese. wtf now that s crazy and that is what we need to be fighting. some one can stand in your yard and shoot at you and you are expected to call the law or hide. shhhhh

    3. 10:52 you must did not Take a gun safety class because you speaking as how it should be, not how it is.

  43. The Democrats and the NAACP knows that if we were allowed our right to carry then their voters wouldn't be able to keep stealing and destroying, robbing and murdering. I think Mike figured out that when we are able to protect ourselves his budget would get cut.

  44. “Sanctuary County” is a meaningless title with no legal bearing. If laws are enacted that violate 2A, all would have to comply, regardless of “Sanctuary County/City/State” label. Get over it.

    1. This is flat out false. Laws that violate 2A will be adjudicated with an action against the county of Wicomico, city of Salisbury and state of Maryland. It may have to go to the Supreme Court level but rest assured, it will be remedied at some level as states do not have any right to deny any citizen their constitutional rights. That is legal fact. No discussion. No negotiation. The Constitution IS the ultimate ruling document in this country. Period.

  45. All I can say is who really gives a F***. Jake Day has created a playground for any and all left wing lunacy to come here and be protected by the city to do whatever their hearts desire. You idiots can sit around and wait to get caught up in their beatings and burning but I'm choosing to fight by ANY means necessary. I don't need some punk like Mike lewis to endorse wicomico county as a second amendment sanctuary. You come f*** with me or my family your done, end of discussion. Known Mike lewis and Gary Baker, Todd Richardson for 40+ years and don't let their bravado fool you while they hide behind that badge and title. They were timid punks in school and put in the right situation their true colors will come out. Alot of Maryland's sewage is running from the Baltimore metro area and calling Salisbury home thanks to assholes like Jake Day and John Cannon.

  46. All I can say is good luck to all the dirty Harry's on here!! I WAS put in the situation finding an intruder in my kitchen in the early morning hours. Wicomico county and the state of Maryland tried to charge me because when I shot, the bastard was trying to get back out the window he destroyed to gain access. The county and state claimed I overstepped my rights because he was trying to leave and posed no threat to me. It was a very unnerving time for me and my family but the charges were eventually dropped. It's a very very fine line your walking in Maryland and Salisbury/wicomico county and in today's political climate I would bet my outcome would be a lot different

    1. 12:15 Question. Do you regret shooting? Cause I wouldn’t. I’d rather be alive and fight then be dead cause I was worrying about the laws.

    2. Sad and sad in your home you are considered the aggressor. the difference and what blacks are angry about is me as a licensed owner would more then likely, I almost can guarantee, would been charged and prosecuted. No homeowner should ever have to endure that and I wish you had blew his legs off and I made the jury. I would NEVER convict someone in your position I dc if it's consider illegal and I encourage other tax payers homeowners and others to do the same. That's why state laws need to change to first protect sensible law abiding homeowners.

    3. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  47. The blame for all of this falls on the head of the President of the County Council. Larry Dodd! Dodd should have had it on the agenda for vote at the last meeting when all were told it would be. If that had happened it would have been before the wide spread protests and riots. Sheriff Mike did the right thing for the moment. Place the blame where it belongs, at Larry Dodd’s feet!

  48. so how many of you that are commenting took the time to send the Council emails or went to the meeting or even signed the petition? because if you didn't you are no better. You should have been involved in the fight. You come on here talking your chit but what did you do to get this passed? Asking for a friend.

  49. He is just a big kiss ass to his superiors down town in D-Bury !!!!

    & he treats his staff like shhhht !!! Little Hitler !!!! Hi-Lewis !!!!

  50. 1126am...take a knee you communist...and lick that boot clean while your down there. We're going to boot you off the council pos.

  51. Lewis took a knee, like the other frauds, democrats, socialist and communist. Take a knee and tear that Constitution a little more.

  52. Yeah...been a long time supporter of Sheriff Lewis.....but he folded like a cheap dish towel!! He is now just another part of the problem that allows and continues to allow the situation of unruly thugs to keep empowered!! I bet President Trump won’t even want him to the White House again for anything!!! Very disappointed! Never thought he would be scared or bullied.....

  53. I’m not known to be a positive person, but let me shine light on myself and the sheriff. If I wanted to be dissed by anyone, it would surely be that crowd. Go Mike....go Trump!

  54. He showed his true colors when he endorsed Jake Day for mayor of Salisbury. So, why does this surprise you that he's a horrible leader?

  55. second Amendment..read it..that is all

  56. Joe,
    Stop censoring what you want to have posted on your blog! Bob Culver and Mike Lewis need to be demonized for their lack of strength and Culmination of weakness! Their decisions have greatly affected Wicomico County Maryland for the worse. Election time is coming, Power to the People!!!

  57. Bob Culver and Mike Lewis together Forever! Happy Valentine's Day Boyz!!!

  58. Mike Lewis has been Retired on Duty since the day he was elected!!!!

  59. Joe Holloway and Cannon just handed him a 15 k raise for being Mike Lewis.In the last council meeting he sat at the table with a set of $500 dollar custom inlaid hand grips on his taxpayer funded service pistol. I am sure he shelled his cash out for them. Mike has had the council kneel and give him everything he wanted I guess it was his time to kneel to B.L.M.Mr Look At Me just was checked out by a different set of eyes.

    Bucky has alot of skeletons in his closet from his younger days.Ask him how many puffs he would take before he passed it.

    Gary always been a kinda good guy.

  60. Good Bye Mike Lewis and Good Riddance!!!

  61. They got you to burn your own barn down Mike. Sad that you tossed Our 2A rights aside to gain their votes and support. Worse yet, they've been planning to support the black retired leo that sits on the council

    1. wrong. we ain supporting boss hog he appears to be a window dressing. you speak for yours, don't speak for us

  62. Their coming for you Mikey! No re-election this time you scared Dummy!

  63. Democrats are just Puppets for Black Lives Matter !!!
    When they say Kneel > They say Okay Master !!!!

  64. Just remember, Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis along with Chief Deputy Gary Baker rode all the way to New York City for the El Chapa trials which had NOTHING to do with WICOMICO COUNTY MARYLAND! Using the County Sheriff's vehicle, salaries and gas all funded by the taxpayers of Wicomico County! Then Mike Lewis ends up in the White House next to President Trump and then again on the Fox news channel with Sean Hannity in F**king Uniform! WTF Glory Hound! Go Ernie Davis!!!!

  65. Yall are your worst enemy, he don't jump when you tell him to yall act like this. Fair weather fans. if you don't have his back and trust his moves why should he move how you want him to when you want. smh. W/ sometimed supporters like you, who need enemies

    1. This is the time to STAND up and make a STATEMENT and then the pressure would have been on the COUNTY COUNCIL HE FD HIMSELF.

  66. Need to pray a more principled man or woman runs for that position. Lewis is another example of the need to "drain the swamp". He's owned.

  67. Yall sound like a bunch of cowards
    Scared of another humans fist
    But you type this ish...
    Then scared to get it how you live
    If you respect people, then you wont get busted in that racist lip!!!!!

    1. 10:48 WTF did you just try to say?? Try English next time.

    2. 9:56
      We are all pretending that it was the English Language instead of Ebonics. The weird communication effort is not well understood even by those who attempt it. They are low IQ people who find it difficult to learn any language.

  68. Jay Pepper for Sheriff 😁

  69. I will never vote for Mike Lewis again. You sold us out and I will not forget it. What was all that bull**** about making sure the citizens of Wicomico County would be able to protect themselves............. You have shown your true colors and I am ashamed that I even know you now. You should just move on to your Florida home and not even try another term. Shame on you!!!!

  70. Anyone who drank the Lewis Koolaid should have known Mike grandstands on topics he knows have very little chance of coming to fruition. This time he got caught. Lewis has no backbone when confronted by a crowd. Mike made his name by marketing himself as this genius Trooper who was able to find narcotics in the vehicles of African Americans he profiled. What was not known was the hundreds of African Americans he stopped and found nothing. The man stopped Americans because the color of their skin and the registration plates displayed on their vehicles. That was not genius it was blatant racism. It has finally come to light that Mike will throw anyone under the bus if it makes him look good. The Sheriff's Office has some great deputies dedicated to serving the public and enforcing the laws of the land. The problem is the majority of his administration are people he surrounded himself with because they were willing to massage his huge ego. Mike is no leader of men and women and he has no loyalty to anyone other than Mike. Mike folded in the face of diversity and that weakness speaks volumes to his ability lead. Time for a new Sheriff

    1. Exactly. I can find drugs in five vehicles if I stop and search 100. But you never hear about the other 95. And how many were “tips”, I can tell you....MOST of them were!!! Profiling at its best. How many “drug runners” are found on Rt 13 nowadays???? Someone needs to do some digging. There is some REAL dirt there.

    2. Not a leadership bone in his body. Mike Lewis cares about Mike Lewis.

  71. For all of you who feel betrayed, now you know how his deputies have been feeling.

    It almost feels like summer 2018 all over again.

  72. I will never give up my guns. Thats what makes me feel safe in my home with my kids. How i feed my family. If someone breaks in my house they will be shot. There is no time to gather all my kids and run. I will fight for my 2nd eminent rights!!!! PERIOD

  73. Isn’t his interdiction unit the reason why all Maryland law enforcement has to keep racial statistics regarding traffic stops? Wasn’t it his unit that was accused of race based traffic stops?

    1. When he was a trooper yes but not at county. Matter a fact he was removed from the unit and put on mute for a long time. This was the decision for him to retire early and run for sheriff. Mike is the ultimate glory hound and will burn you in a second.

  74. Another Weak Kiss ASS for Votes !!! Selling out his own integrity !!!

    When they say JUMP , he says HOW HIGH ??

  75. It's not the legal gun owners that are the problem. If you want to buy,get or steal one, you will find away. Make the illegal gun owners more accountable instead of blaming the ones that do it legally.

  76. Anonymous said...
    The TRUE Mike the hard ass is a PUSSY.

    June 16, 2020 at 10:00 PM

    Yep, Mikey was always the shorty little boy in school and becoming a Trooper to hide behind the badge and to get back up when he got in a scuffle. In school he just got beat up.

  77. Mike Lewis is a White Coward just like Bob Culver and can't take the heat. These black thugs have been given inch after inch and they have taken thousands of miles after thousands of miles.

    Do you know why the black thugs have taken thousands of miles? Because they can because of White Cowards like the two mentioned above.

  78. The Sheriff is simply an administrator. Not his fault, it is simply the requirements of the system. He holds his weekly meetings with staff, sets policy and ensures all personnel are in compliance. He settles disputes, seeks funding and is the PR person for the department. He also generally sets the tone for overall operation of the department including pay, awards, promotions and assignments. With all of this going on, a sheriff has time for little else. Also the position is political, therefore the sheriff needs to be aware of the political atmosphere in order to get re-elected. Often times this will result in the actions the sheriff took regarding the county sanctuary issue. Therefore, in this case when the sheriff determines it to be politically expedient, he will once again present his proposal.

  79. Say it ain’t soooo

  80. It is just a resolution and has no LEGAL effect. In a political arena it is smart to choose your battles and weigh was is to be gained against what will be lost. I support Sheriff Lewis.... I am sure he knows the situation better than me.

  81. Shame on you Shame on you, we have sanctuary county, cities and states for illegals, which promotes human trafficking .... Shame Shame Shame.

  82. Mike just put a nail in his political coffin.

  83. Dear Sheriff Lewis, "Things" are NOT going to calm down- not until someone forcibly calms them down. Do not allow yourself and your team to be demoralized. I suggest you start reading everything written by Matt Bracken. That would be a good start. Strength - not weakness!

  84. Little Hitler loosing his nerve !!!! Salisbury Gestapo Chief !!!

  85. Little Hitler !!!! Likes the Limelight !!!

  86. very sad to see all of these comments. However, this is how people feel about Sheriff Lewis. He can redeem himself if he brings back the 2A sanctuary resolution to the council. The resolution has absolutely nothing to do with race.


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