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Sunday, June 14, 2020


On June 3rd, 2020, The Office for the State’s Attorney for Wicomico County filed a criminal information against Jerome Kevin Jackson, age 54 of Princess Anne, Maryland, alleging that he maliciously defaced the property of Salisbury University while exhibiting racial animosity in violation of Maryland Criminal Law §10-305(2) in the District Court for Wicomico County. This type of crime is commonly referred to as a Hate Crime.

The charging decision was made after a thorough and complete investigation conducted by the Salisbury University Police Department in cooperation with The Office of the State’s Attorney.

Mr. Jackson has elected to plead guilty and is scheduled to do so on June 12th, 2020 in the District Court for Wicomico County. 

The plea agreement was drafted in consultation with The Salisbury University Police Department and University officials. The written plea agreement was then signed and executed by the Defendant and filed on June 3, 2020 in The District Court. The plea in its entirety is attached to this press release. 

According to the terms of that plea agreement, Mr. Jackson will pay restitution to Salisbury University for the damage incurred to their property and take responsibility for the racist and sometimes gender discriminatory graffiti that was discovered on campus on October 8, 2019, October 10, 2019, October 22, 2019, November 4, 2019, and February 19, 2020. 

Upon a finding of guilt, the State will recommend that the Defendant be sentenced to eighteen (18) months of active incarceration.


  1. Now will the New York Times print this discovery as quick as they did the original story.
    Also he has to pay restitution, will that include the cost of closing the college for one day.
    Lastly, the University announced the hiring of a Dean of Diversity to help after this incident. Tell me how that works.

  2. About time! This is great news. We white people deserve an apology for how the local politicians jumped to an immediate conclusion that whitey did it. Where's Gay Day's comment?

  3. Well, it's not the suspect that everybody thought it was. My question is, did this guy really do it or is he taking the fall for more powerful person in Somerset County?

    1. I certainly was the suspect most people thought it was. Almost every instance like this one in the past decade or so has been a suspect like this one. Even the last one on the Salisbury campus that they swept under the rug.

    2. No, name of the suspect was different. It's on another post.

      We ALL knew the suspect wasn't white.

    3. We all knew the demographic of the suspect, but we thought it was another person.

    4. 4:10
      Was that a Freudian slip or did you just admit you are the perpetrator?

    5. The more powerful person in Somerset County is Kirkland Hall, Jr., not just any “suspect like this one.”

  4. He will maybe do 90 days.

  5. Hahahaahah...so many still pointing to that incident as proof of racism on Delmarva. When those people were told it was a black man who did it, they continued to dismiss it.

    I want apologies from the mayor and president of SU. Domestic terrorism jake? What say you? Creating a diversity officer and cancelling classes SU? What say you?

    1. 4:03 And Amber Green, Jared Shablein, James Yamaka...

  6. The video should be public.

  7. Notice his plea agreement didn't include a hate crime. Have to fix those statistics.

    1. From WMDT:

      "Jerome Kevin Jackson, of Princess Anne, plans to plead guilty to maliciously defacing school property “while exhibiting racial animosity,” according to the State’s Attorney’s Office. The crime is labeled as a hate crime."

    2. Yeah how come?

  8. Jake say bon voyage!!!

  9. This is a non crime but more of a conversation starter in a problematic systemic issue we are currently in. A pathway forward can only be a stay at home order to save lives. Unless your protesting injustice and not protesting stay and home. All churches will be open for bathrooms only.

    1. A NON-CRIME? It damn well would have been a hate crime if it had been a white person like they thought when they were spewing off about what charges the perpetrator could face.

    2. You say that because the criminal turned out to be black. However, if he were white, you all would be screaming racism, hate crimes and rioting/looting! Blacks can harm black and it's ok, but white hurt black and it's criminal. Double standards and bandwagon jumping. Liberal Democrats causing problems every where.

  10. Post this EVERYWHERE!

  11. 4:14p. How is this a non-crime? If his skin color was different it would be a hate crime which is a federal charge. Jake day called it domestic terrorism.

  12. James Yamakawa’s buddy

  13. A thorough and complete investigation. Well then as we move forward as a nation, thorough and complete investigations (justice system) will be the norm?

    Answer to that is two letters. First being N, second being O. Absolutely different circumstances if the perp was not of minority decent. That's who we are, that's who we have been and even today that who we continue to be.

    If it doesn't bleed in this society it doesn't lead. Example the elderly deaths in Delaware. We paint some streets, get airtime to be all feeling nice and look to the next train wreck.

  14. NOTICE Mayor had to leave first lol not on his watch

  15. I remember the spin WBOC and WMDT put on it. Lets see if it is even “news” worthy now.

  16. Systemic......”they” throw the word around like mf’rer. Bet many don’t even know the meaning when putting it to use. Lol Anyway does this give the poor white students that were scared and depressed a license to loot the campus? Just wondering, not suggesting.

  17. Well well well thanks Jake day for covering his race Up.

  18. Ha Ha great timing to release this. Never to be seen again.

  19. So, everyone slurred Kirkland Hall's name and he didn't even do it! I bet no one will acknowledge the lynch mob everyone was ready to turn lose on him!

  20. Fine but he needs to sue now for selective prosecution, Discrimination, those Race Baiting Black Girls who did the hanging guy didn't even get outed!

  21. If a person not of color had committee this act what a shit show it would have been. Da Bury, the armpit of Delmarva!

  22. Took the fall for Kirkland Hall. Still see you Kirkland and all the hate your preaching to the O'Hare couple and Jake Day

  23. So many whites are victims of crimes committed by blacks in Sby. No blacks are ever victims of crimes committed by whites.
    This man committed a crime against every single white in the county
    Blacks have so much to be proud of There are no real racists so they have to lie (which is inherent in so many) about racism

    1. That’s not exactly true. White people do commit crimes against blacks, although it is comparatively rare. And when it happens (even if it only looks like it might be a “crime”) it’s huge national and international news.

  24. Looks like the left wing university here over reacted on this one - guess they do not have a racial problem after all? Wow - and all they did to combat the racism problem on campus too

  25. Bottom line...racism is color blind.

  26. Does this man work for SU? If not why was he able to walk around campus on multiple occasions entering different buildings? How was he allowed to do this on 5 separate occasions before SU decided to press charges? Why did it take 4 months for his identity to be exposed? Inquiring minds want to know.

    1. State Universities around the country are open to the general public. Usually dorms and eating facilities are the main buildings key card access is needed.

    2. 5:52, there is no electric fence around the place. For your speedy theory. Me being a non- lawman and capable of listening and reading, maybe after catching him he bragged about the previous incidents. Who knows or care.

    3. I heard he is the husband of an employee

  27. This story alone proves that BLM, white supremacy is a SHAM. They are taught to pull this sham any way they can. This MORON didn't think of this himself..why do I know?? A 54 yo POS doing something like this. Blacks never get it. He's the poster child of


  28. I wonder what they offered him to take the fall for Dr H?

  29. Let’s riot! (Satire, just in case some of you need direction)

  30. But remember kids...only white people are racist...

    1. That's right. Blacks aren't "systematically racist"!

  31. Good thing they had a day of healing and hired $100,000 plus diversity officer. 95% of people judge each other based on character and not color. If you up your game to compete, people of any color can accomplish anything. It’s easier to cry foul than up your game

    1. It's easier to make babies and live off the Government.

  32. Now, this guy is a PIG!

    Tell me otherwise and why.

  33. He won’t do 18 days, much less 18 months.

  34. Wow fr people and racism,,, ONE TRACK MIND.

  35. it's time to wake up! everyone thinks this is bad wait till Trump is reelected..I'm ready and waiting to kick back, smile and laugh at the sissy liberals. But I am prepared, them crazies can trash the city all they want, but don't stop foot in the country!

  36. Perfect example here.....as black people we want this idiot locked up. How embarrassing and stupid at his age. But the thing is that he's having his day in court and not a funeral. That's all we want just lock em up if they did wrong but stop shooting us for BS.

    1. We aren’t “shooting blacks”, that is a grossly exaggerated myth. Blacks assault and murder a disproportionate number of whites, not the other way around. And whites are slightly more likely to be shot by cops than blacks, comparing the number of arrests to shootings.

    2. I'm pretty sure he's talking about the police not white people. But go ahead and vent buddy

  37. I thought you had stated that it was Kirkland hall? You said you were certain and had seen the video? Ohhhhh joeeee is going down!!!! It’s funny how you have been threatening to sue for defamation the past few days and uh oh little got caught!!! I hope they sue you for everything you are worth and you lose this pathetic little blog.

    1. Joe never said it was Hall it was the rest of us!! Kirkland Hall is behind a lot of this garbage going on in Salisbury.

    2. I have screen shots of him saying it on a post he made just to name him on March 29.

    3. 10:10 That post was just a repeat from a former commenter. Joe just reposted it.

  38. Maybe 18 months of community service would give him some better perspective.

    Sweeping the SU campus Monday through Thursday while wearing an orange jumpsuit with I'M A RACE BAITING CRIMINAL stenciled front and back would suffice. The man should serve as an active visual example, not be tucked away in a jail cell while everyone else forgets who he is, what he did and the pain it caused. Plaster his picture on SU social media to fully explain what he did.

    1. A lot of dates there. Did we know about all of those?

  39. Wonder how the black community will try to spin this to be privileged white peoples fault.

    1. They already are. I'm seeing comments on other sites about how bad it must have been for him and what could have driven him to do it. Wouldn't ask this of a white one.

  40. Jake had to leave before this came out. By the time Jake gets back this will be long forgotten

  41. “Jackson has agreed to pay $494 in restitution, and prosecutors, who signed the plea agreement Monday, are seeking a sentence of 18 months in prison.

    ‘As you are aware, these criminal acts have had an enormous and negative impact on the Salisbury University campus and our larger community as a whole,’ prosecutors wrote in a May 29 letter to Jackson’s attorney.“

    1. WHERE is the FN Hate crime.

    2. He was charged for that but he only is getting 18 months is the same for a white person is the question

    3. Guarantee it will be suspended and he will get probation. Has anyone checked his criminal records yet?

    4. 8:56 the hate crime just got deployed. the most racist turd stirrer Salisbury has seen

  42. He clearly has mental health issues and needs help. Isn't that how yall rationalize the scum of your race. I think i'll do the same.

    1. No bitch ass because they ALWAYS tried to blame white people take your head out of your Ass.

    2. No. You were jumping up and down and pointing the finger at white people claiming this was proof of your "oppression". In reality real racism is so rare people have to stage fake hate incidents to keep the false narrative alive.

  43. I'm black and wish they had prosecuted him more seriously. he looks dangerous. yall can save those racist comments. This is serious. if people were more serious about criminals like this in every color and race we d be better off.

    1. I agree sir and it's more about Frustration on How Salisbury University and the Mayor won't call out who it is bc they are Black and it doesn't fit there keeping there black/ white hate agenda Going

    2. Agreed 💯!!

  44. No justice. No peace!!!! This was a black against white hate crime. White lives matter. We demand a harsher sentence than what they are talking about. WLM!!!!!!!

  45. "Perfect example here.....as black people we want this idiot locked up. How embarrassing and stupid at his age. But the thing is that he's having his day in court and not a funeral. That's all we want just lock em up if they did wrong but stop shooting us for BS."

    White people get shot by cops also and we don't go all primal and start tearing up crap Say the name David Dorn the elderly retired cop killed by blacks. Say his name The destruction you people cause to not only property but innocent lives your nasty self should be embarrassed.

  46. They always rationalization with something That is why their youth are slaughtering each other That is why black children get gunned down and they are silent

  47. He was hit with a HATE CRIME 😁

  48. Will he be put on the downtown murial ?

  49. White people need to Riot and Burn Down SU!

  50. He would be a great speaker at a BLM meeting.

  51. This piece of s**t has never been arrested for these crimes! That’s right, he has not been arrested for this! Why do you think that is? This is why.
    SU has known for a long time who committed these crimes. It did not fit their bullsh*t narrative so, they kept it quiet, hoping it would go away over time. However, they did not count on the riots. They know this fall, students will demand SU do more to catch “the white racist graffiti bigot,” included with their blm, anti-police protests on campus. SU hopes releasing the information now will somehow make this a non-issue to the student protestors. Make no mistake, SU did not release this information because the wanted to!

    1. You are a complete idiot. SU did not Release the information because they wanted to have a very strong case. They did not want information leaking out and then have the case blow up on them.

      We all want things so quickly, like in television shows. But real life means these kinds of cases get dragged out for a long time as evidence built and the case becomes airtight.

      This guy pled guilty because the evidence was overwhelming. If they rushed things, he would’ve had a chance to wiggle out of it.

    2. BS this guy was paid off to take the hit for something he didnt do. The real culprit couldnt come forward because BLM bullshit. 54 years old and doing graffiti you all some dumb

  52. They let him plead guilty to only one of the incidents, the one on 2/19/20. This is bullsh*t! They truly want this to go away without a trial. A trial would expose the fact they knew who did this a while ago.

  53. This wasn’t the guy we were told it was ... What happened

  54. Does this man have a job? Also, what are the details of the crime?

  55. I wonder if this guy is taking the fall for Kirkland as there is a video that could bring more light. Let's see it.

  56. He should get the maximum penalty that goes with a hate crime. These hoaxes can cause a lot of damage and even death. This should be tried by the Feds.

  57. 8:40 you are the complete idiot. You are clueless.

    1. Oh, I’m sorry, I guess you are right. Really strong argument, numbnuts. Try getting an education so you can form a cogent argument.

  58. He and the entire black community owe the entire white community a big apology. In fact, they should wash our feet and and get down on their knees and beg for forgiveness. That's what they want when it's the other way around.

  59. Where is Little Man Day now? He couldn't wait to make a video when this happened so he could show off talking the tough guy.

  60. Heard his wife is vice principle at Greenwood Elementary in Princess Anne

  61. I am going to guess enrollment is down at SU?

  62. You can bet that the comments some deem racist on this blog are being made by blacks. There is no racism so like this crap they have to make it up.

  63. Did anyone do a search of this guy's phone records? Did he have any contact with certain prominently positioned local dems? Like, by a local eating establishment maybe?

    1. I'm telling you people, I've seen them first hand meeting together prior to ALL OF THIS: Day, Hall, O'Hare, yamakawa(?) They think they've accomplished something by removing a couple statues and a sign that the majority of us don't give a shit about. When you idiots start bringing it to this century and my personal interests you boys are going to have a problem. Sad that you young white boys have taken up the decades old race war politics stirred up by your old school race baiter Hall. I'll be praying for you especially Day and O'Hare after reading some of your social media declarations of suicide and alcohol and drug abuse

  64. Well well well. Didn't see this coming. Classes were canceled. We all thought it was from a white devil.

  65. "Anonymous said...
    Did anyone do a search of this guy's phone records? Did he have any contact with certain prominently positioned local dems? Like, by a local eating establishment maybe?

    June 14, 2020 at 1:10 PM'

    You can bet while he did the actual deed on his own it was a plan hatched out by himself and others. But even if he was paid to do it which many suspect, he did it and there is no law to even justify investigating anyone else. In other words no accessory to what he was charged with like there is with murder. And he's not a juvenile so no contributing to delinquency.

  66. Not only are some of the so called racist comments on this blog coming from the local black community but also the white social justice warriors. I have seen too many times a comment no sooner gets approved and sees the light of day before someone on FB comments about it the second it appears. They wrote it waiting for it to get posted then make a FB post saying how terrible people are on this blog. I have seen it too many times for it to be a coincidence that someone just so happens to see the comment and writes about it all in less then a minute or 2. They always preface the FB post with "someone told them" about the comment.


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