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Sunday, June 14, 2020

A Message From Salisbury Mayor Jake Day Referencing SU Graffiti


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. TRUMP 2020. Praying for all you socialist after November election. Please remember it's just right and wrong, good and evil, it's not personal. Please get yourselves some mental health assistance and we'll be okay for at least four more years

  3. looks like he slept in that suit!! Save the manure Jake nobody cares what you have to say

  4. Steve of Buena VistaJune 12, 2020 at 7:25 PM

    How many minority department heads in the City of Salisbury?

  5. Lmao. This is gold

  6. Did Jake tell a Black man to get out of his town?!?

  7. Criminals get out.
    Criminals get out.
    Criminals GET OUT.

    1. I'm sure that worked, so let's abolish the police department.

  8. You gotta be kidding me! There's a Mayor Jake day in Salisbury? Must be a joke.

  9. Dear Mr. Mayor. Why do you hate yourself? By telling me I must embrace same sex marriage and if I don't I'm a bigot. This is hate speech. I have the right to religious freedom. I don't hate gay people. I just don't agree with that kind of relationship being correct under God. You sir are the bigot and using hate speech. So how about you leave town too.

  10. Go away already.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Hey Burt, you hate descent. You should get out. When you are called on for your hypocritical behavior, you express hate for those who see you not behaving as the rest of should. You should get out. When you mock conservative views as racist, you are doing it with snark and hate. YOU SHOULD GET OUT. There is not room or budget for pandering. Your interests are not for the soul of Salisbury. Your wife has assaulted the safe space that are schools should be. Your wife should get out. You are nothing but an ignorant idiot who has done nothing to better my old home town. I met you once when I was a democrat, and you were incredibly ignorant to the owner of Route 12 Cafe. You are nothing but an ignorant ass who is always too late or too stupid to recognize what is going on in our town. It's been eight months and you still can't state this was a fake hate crime and it is time to stop framing Whites for Black hatred.

    Grow a pair little man, stop pretending to be an adult. Your facebook tantrums with opposing views really show your ignorance. Salisbury is not about you, it is about us, and you want all that focus on you and your initiatives, that are really a hindrance, but you have WBOC backing you up on both the TV and radio. We all got your number now. Your just an idiot boy mayor. See you in the funny papers, which no one apparently buys, so I guess I won't see your ignorant Sesame Street, closeted, Burt face after all. That's a good thing.

    -Girdletree, Bitch

  13. Thanks for the summer rerun! Still as good as when it first aired!

  14. The culprit will be tried for Domestic terrorism? Cannot wait to see this.

  15. Eat those words you stupid lying SOB. No wonder his wife wants to take drugs. Being married to him would be like living in hell

    1. I guarantee the Adderall was to dope their kids.

  16. Video unavailable? He pulled it already? WTF Anyone grab it?

  17. I hear that Jake Day and Julia Glanz are going to be renaming Main Street downtown to Black Lives Matter Blvd. Is there any truth to this??

  18. What an unfortunate situation. Something is terribly wrong for an African American to do this. I don't believe it. There is more to this story.

  19. That didn’t age well.

  20. Want to ask some of the local progressive race baiters (Jake Day posse) did you happen to catch Biden totally come unglued defaming Martin Luther King's legacy saying that George Floyd's death has had a greater impact on society and a much bigger meaning for the black community and America?? All I can say is it's a sad day when WE ALL aren't given the respect and courtesy to express our personal opinions and THE ONLY thing you have to base political views on are race. The democratic party has manipulated the minds of the younger generation and abused the very demographic you supposedly are fighting for in their own personal agendas. They are the very people (old rich white businessman and politicians) that you supposedly are fighting against. All I can say is when it starts effecting me on a more personal space level look out because I personally am done listening and talking!! Once it's all said and done you would be amazed at what a 700-800 pound boar hog will do with the results of you trying to force you lunacy down my throat. Enjoy your 5 minutes of fame, as the saying goes I'd rather win the war than all the little battles. TRUMP 2020

  21. “Racism-hatred or intolerance of another race or other races” Webster’s College Dictionary

    Nowhere in this definition does it say that racism is race specific, i.e. it is not limited to whites only. I am sick and tired of being told I am a racist because I am white. I am fed up with assumptions that all white people come from slave owners. Some of the biggest immigration rushes our country had were after the Civil War and those who were a part of it experienced bigotry and conditions almost identical to slavery by factory owners who bought them with false promises and came to own them with rising debts that even their deaths could fail to take care of.

    With all this being said, I am appalled at how the situation at SU has been handled. The man who deliberately tried to stir up trouble and divide people is getting off with a fine that covers the cost of cleaning up the mess and up to 18 months in jail. He will more than likely be out in 6 months. No apologies have been made to the community. Instead the university is looking to step up their diversity awareness. This man should be made to apologize to the university and the entire Salisbury community. Any further diversity awareness or cultural literacy programs should be made to address ALL ideas and not just be made to target changing the white mind. What this man did was reprehensible. Justice is not equal because if it was his penalty would not have been so lenient. His crimes were named as a hate crime but the penalties do not match the typical double or triple sizing usually seen in such occurrences.

    This community is owed an apology from the man that did everything, the university for their assumptions, and all political leaders involved with furthering the assumptions with their misplaced platitudes meant to cover their own a**es!

  22. 5:45, more to the story? I don't know the rest of the story but I can say this. A racist comes in all sizes and colors. And so do behavioral and mental health issues. He could be someone looking for attention or calling out for help.

  23. Jake Day is a pompous ass.
    In this video, he falsely imposed collective guilt on white people to demonstrate to his cult how WOKE he is.
    Ditto as to SU president.

  24. Your speech sounds good but the last 4+ years don't reflect it like you talk it. My husband and I live in an area we see 4 SPD cars pull up guns drawn hollering at some individual to lay down a knife. It goes on for almost 2 hours trying to talk down the individual and difuse it but it's the same 2 houses all the time, if you see repeated behavior doesn't it strike a cord that maybe an arrest just once might make a better difference. If thugs learn there might be action and consequences then they might hesitate the next time.
    The slum landlords sit on the city council or with the county and it continues for decades do you think we believe your bedtime stories? You never walked these neighborhoods during your campaigns for office. You haven't listened when contacted, Duncan doesn't listen and neither does Jamie Dykes. Your all 3 just hot air and no substance. Take real action not just words. Get coding and compliance to clean up the city streets then maybe real better nice people will live in our neighborhoods too, and we can have storytime.

  25. Yep, he jumped right on this. Put his shirt, tie and jacket on late at night to post this video. What is so funny is this dumba$$ thought his video would go viral and make all the news networks hoping to give him a big name in the world of politics. Butt it failed, Dumba$$!!

  26. Take a look at the comments on the Facebook post on the city's page. Completely unprofessional. Bunch of kids working for city.

  27. Also, he has no right telling ANYBODY to get out of the city. As reprehensible as racism, mysoginy, and homophobia are, they are protected by free speech. Once you start going down that road, there’s no end to the oppression you can dish out

  28. 10:49 he wanted to show off. Be a tough talker Now that he got it jammed up his rank arse he won't own it by making another video owning his ignorant rush to judgement. Everyone who read the story knew it would be an African American but Day couldn't wait to pretend it was some white supremacist so he could show off. He's got some bad blood in him.

  29. From diversity back to a government that is not representative of the community but is white privilege again. Y'all should be happy!

  30. Jake Day is the poster boy of WHITE PRIVILEGE

  31. dont you wish he would just come out of the closet. Everybody else has. At least Jim let you know right away

  32. Looks more and more like the banjo player from the movie Deliverance every day.


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