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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

16 friends get virus after night out. Hear their warning.

A group of 16 friends went out to a crowded Florida bar to celebrate a birthday have all tested positive for coronavirus. They're telling CNN'sChris Cuomo that it was too soon to be around large crowds, and going out without a mask was a mistake.

Source: CNN

Publishers Notes: You have to wonder just how many other people contracted the virus from them as well.


  1. Yea right.

    CNN Fake News - BS!

  2. Well, maybe 16 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3, etc.

  3. More scare tactics. Last year did we say this about the flu? The corona virus numbers are similar to the seasonal flu. Many people have no symptoms at all.

  4. This just goes to show that with the virus is still spreading in warm hot humid weather. This doesn't bode well for this fall and winter. Most people will experience mild symptoms like these folks but can pass it on to the elderly. when I see the behavior of young people in resort towns and then add alcohol it seems like there's a problem brewing.

    1. I see you're still buying the lies

  5. Well they did the right thing by letting others know their mistake, I hope all 16 recover fully.

  6. Riots probably caused 85 million then

  7. 9:09. Then the elderly can stay home. Why should the rest of us stay in lockdown and private business have to suffer?

  8. no no no 909am...THIS shows you that the liars are still lying as much as they can! your sign is cnn/cuomo. Wake up, they must instill fear to keep destroying the economy. Why do you insist on helping these terrorist?

  9. so they got this instantly after being together? two days later? a week later? how soon after?

  10. FAKE NEWS. When I see it. I'll believe it.

    1. It will be too late when u see it

    2. Oh I see it. It's all bullshit. But you keep believing everything you hear. Baaaaaaaaaaaa

  11. Hey, that happened to me and my 15 Brothers in Arms in Subic Bay back in the 70's....except it was da' clap!!! Oh, the good old days...Suck it up boys, life's short. Don't spend it being PATSY'S for the media!

  12. CNN = Communist News Network Wake up people!!

    1. Be nice. Candyland News Network. Feed you the bad candy each and everyday. You r better off watching Emeril's cooking infomercials!!!!

  13. What makes you think they got the virsus at that restaurant? Really - tested after attendance at that restaurant. Could have brought it with them. How many times did they get together - really - before the restaurant gathering. It isn't news worthy. Just another ploy to keep us home and in our place. Nice try CNN but I'm not buying it.

  14. Sad to see all the folks here still denying the dangers of this virus. Usually your stupidity doesn't have any real impact on anything. This time however your misguided ideals are putting your neighbors, friends, co-workers, relatives and even yourselves at risk.

    1. No guts no glory 12:16. Stay locked in your house if you're scared. Not me, I going to live life to its its fullest.

  15. All 10 have 99+% chance of survival. As well as any people they infect, unless you areover 65 and/or unhealthy.

  16. 12:16. The only danger is to those in nursing homes with pre existing health issues. You need to stop listening to the scare mongering of the government, CDC and the WHO. The numbers from the corona virus are essentially the same as the flu.

  17. But silent on riots and not social distancing for 3 weeks now is the bars fault? Ha. I was fooled once

  18. COVID-19 test have been giving false Positives. Completely unreliable!

  19. Wow just read her story got sick in 2 days. Really 2 days. That is one bad a.. virus


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