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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

11 Shot in Under 12 Hours in Democrat-Controlled NYC

Eleven people were shot in Democrat-controlled New York City between 5:30 p.m. Saturday and 5 a.m. Sunday.

The New York Post reported that the victims were shot in eight separate shooting incidents which scattered over “Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Manhattan.”

The violence means there have been 59 shootings since Monday, and those resulted in a total of “81 people shot.”

Breitbart News reported on June 23 that NYC shootings surged 358 percent over what they were a year ago. NBC 4 pointed to data which showed there were 55 shootings June 14-20, 2020, compared to 12 for the same week in 2019.

At least 20 people were shot, seven fatally, in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago over a 24-hour period that began around 4 p.m. Friday, June 26, 2020, Breitbart News reported.

The Chicago shooting deaths including a one-year-old boy who was shot dead while riding with his mother.



  1. Democrats FAULT then !!! Elect Republicans to MAGA 2020 !!! Dugh

  2. Democrat control is the real disease infecting our country!

  3. Meanwhile tens of thousands dead because of Republican inaction during a pandemic.

    1. You must mean how Nancy was in Chinatown tell people come out and have a good time with NO MASK on 1 month AFTER Trump shutdown flights from CHINA ? 🖕

    2. Uhhh, lets look back, and in depth on your un-factual, misguided "opinion"....Now pay attention cupcake...So, our president took the EXTREMELY CONVOLUTED information that was given to him by the Democratic hero Dr Fauchi, and the WHO (most of which was NOT factual information, but was guessing) and banned travel from the "source" country CHINA, and your Democrat leaders scolded him as a racist, etc etc, THEN, DEMOCRATIC governor Cuomo put corona virus infected patients IN ASSISTED LIVING environments with the MOST vulnerable group of senior citezens...many of whom died, amd its the Republicans fault? I could continue, bit if I have to explain, you wouldn't understand. Please go back to your lil protest rally thingy, and let the adults take care of business.

  4. 1031..except when your president stopped flights from China you called him a racist...and how many of those people would have died anyways?

  5. 1031 - aw C'mon man.

    States have the power to do everything yet......

    Defunding LEOs will cause even more havoc....hence it will not be done.

    1. Defunding must be the solution because the tall one with black bride just did it.

  6. DEMOCRATS ARE the New domestic terrorists to AMERICA.

  7. 1031???

    We're waiting for your rebuttal....

  8. " Anonymous said...
    Meanwhile tens of thousands dead because of Republican inaction during a pandemic.

    June 30, 2020 at 10:31 AM"

    Most who died were in nursing homes in democrat run states. What do you say about that? Anyone else who died it is their own fault. The whole world knew there was a pandemic so they could very well have taken precautions. Why is it you people NEED the government to tell you what to do? It's not like it's rocket science. In over 40 yrs I've been sick only 2 times with a flu. My children never. They never had ear infection never had sore throats never cough. Once in awhile a stuffy nose for a day but that's been it in almost 20 yrs with them. If you people were clean like we are you wouldn't have to worry about illness. It's sick you need the Republicans to tell you how to be clean people

  9. Should change to 'Lighthead'.

  10. There will be more MURDERS but where were your case workers defending you? Where was the media when you needed them? Where were the liberal Dems you are fighting for to win the election? The answer is NY brought it all on themselves and it will kill more than Corona virus of that you can be sure.

  11. 1031 your arguing with you self again however it’s after one so you are in bed. Same thing every day


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