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Thursday, May 07, 2020

WATCH: Biden Recalls Campaigning in 1918

Even from his basement, Joe Biden is a gaffe a minute. There may be an underlying medical condition to explain the former VP's blunders, but Democrats aren't telling. If the Democrats don't know what's going on with Biden, they certainly don't seem all that interested in finding out. All we can do is keep track of all the candidate's bizarre statements so voters can make an informed decision in November should Democrats hand the nomination over to Biden, which they appear poised to do.

During one of his recent virtual appearances, Biden told Alphonso David, president of the Human Rights Campaign, that he remembers campaigning for the Democrats in 1918. Biden may be old, but he's not that old.

"In 1918, excuse me, 2018, I campaigned for, over in 24 states, for over 65 candidates," Biden said.



  1. HRC will be his VP running mate...

    joe will have a sudden medical emergency...
    HRC gets her prize...


    1. If it involves the Clinton’s, it won’t be a “sudden medical emergency”. It will be an “unexpected unexplained death”

    2. NO SHE WON'T

  2. High Desert DawgMay 7, 2020 at 2:40 PM

    Awww, that's OUR Joe! What a good ole guy......NOT!

  3. He might not have been a candidate in 1918 but he was there when the right brothers flew!

    Term limits and Age limits folks!

  4. He campaigned for two and they both lost. The Miami down low and Georgia hippo.

  5. HRC's prize will be a "3X Loser" trophy! lol

  6. Yet they all still call Trump the stupid one.


  7. Watch out for his running mate!! Thats the key..he is toast. Remember luciferians dont care who dies or what needs to be done.

  8. He don't know Where the Hell he has been !!! TOAST !!!!

    Don't give him any Missile Codes !!!!

  9. HRC doesn't see herself as VP level talent anymore than Crapperknickers sees himself as holding a clipboard and running the scout team. Not gonna happen.

    Her reputation precedes her, both at work and the morgue. Biden would need a rear view mirror mounted to his forehead. Bookies would have a field day!

  10. He may be telling the truth............isn't he 102 years old?


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