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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Former AIDS Scientist Judy Mikovits PhD EXPOSES Anthony Fauci,Dr Birx & UNCOVERS Medical


  1. Youtube is taking it down as fast as they are putting them up.

  2. That guy looks like a rat didn’t like him from the first time I saw him

  3. Good find here. Makes you think about things and what the heck is going on. When you see what the government did to Flynn you realize anything is possible.

  4. Plague of Corruption is the name of her book. It's sold out on Amazon. If Trump doesn't do something immediately to get rid of Fauci and Birx, then we will know he has become a part of the corrupt system. These two are responsible for the deaths of millions (including HIV) for altering scientific facts. Trump needs to get them off camera now!

  5. Agree 3:54PM. Never had a good feeling about him from day one!

  6. Dr. Mikovits has nothing to lose. Dr. Fauci has caused her to lose everything and stole the truth of her research findings and altered the results. That's criminal behavior. And President Trump is allowing him to speak to Americans about what we should be doing and not doing during this pandemic? People should be outside the White House with their signs to get rid of this guy and Birx also. She was in on it from the beginning. An army officer in the medical field.

  7. I used to go to a doctor who told me they will never find a cure for cancer because there is too much money and jobs involved in the research. Another doctor who served on the FDA board was removed when he refused to accept $$ under the table and voted not to approve aspartame to be used as an artificial sweetener after only 10 years of research. The norm is 20 years. The chemical and pharmaceutical industries have been corrupt for years.

  8. if our/any government recommends it run away as fast as you can!

  9. I’m concerned about our military personnel who are required to receive multiple vaccinations. Do they have a higher number of cases of these diseases?


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