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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Video That Went Viral On SBYNews Gets Yanked From YouTube And Facebook

This is the kind of thing you'd expect in a communist country, not America. However, we have our mainstream media covering up incredibly informative information like I provided yesterday, (this video) because they are paid off by special interests and advertisers.

This is why SBYNews is so successful, we never gave up the fight. Oh sure, I'm disliked by some but 79,000,000 hits proves we are the strongest powerhouse when it comes to news and information on the Shore.

Yesterday this video truly went viral on a local level and in the very least I was able to educate tens of thousands of people before these communists, (Facebook/YouTube) groups removed it. 

So the big question is, how much more of this bullshit are we Americans going to take?


  1. It was really informative and true great material thanks for the interview.

  2. That just shows it is true. Why remove it? Why not allow people to fact check. I hope enough people were able to watch it and start to look into what is really going on. Follow the money and stop being a sheeple.

  3. It was an excellent video. I’m going to buy her book.

  4. Obama ushered in the partisan Communist activist mentality.
    They have to be exterminated like the roaches they are to American values and capitalism.
    We aren’t going to allow the Communist plague infect us.
    It’s time to act.

  5. The corruption goes very deep and she is brave for exposing it.

  6. Fight until the end against these communist!!! They are rotten to the core and no damn good!!!!

  7. Northwest Woodsman: I have thought all along that Marxism, liberalism, progressivism, and what ever else democrats call themselves, is a genetic disorder that prevents them from thinking through issues rationally and blocks their ability to foresee the consequences of their actions in the future. The deficiency somehow guides them to decisions that are based upon emotions and not reality. Since it is possibly genetic there is nothing that can be done to effect a change in their behavior. They must be isolated from any position where they can make decisions that impact others including allowing them to vote.

  8. Whatever happened to "believe all women"?

  9. Answer: Not much more. Putting people in jail for trying to feed their kids will start the civil war.

  10. You will keep on taking it until even after you are dead...

  11. I posted this last week. . But at least a few friends saw and passed it around before it was removed! I never thought I would see the day where we cannot have freedom of speech or TRUTH!


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