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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Sen. Tom Cotton: China 'Criminally Negligent'

China's response to the coronavirus pandemic was "criminally negligent," Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., told Newsmax TV.

"No matter what the origins of this virus were, China's response to it was criminally negligent," Cotton told Wednesday's "Spicer & Co." "So they knew probably by early December, mid-December at the very latest this virus was both highly contagious and very deadly for some people."

Cotton continued, "Yet they continued to tell the world and pressure the WHO [World Health Organization] to say that it was not transmissible between humans, they continued to say that it was under control, and they continued to allow air travel from mainland China to the rest of the world."

Cotton said Democrats have not shown much outrage toward China's irresponsible behavior, which makes it harder to crack down on the Asian superpower for its role in causing the pandemic.


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