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Friday, May 29, 2020

Trimper’s Rides Planning To Host Weekly Greenmarket

OCEAN CITY – A new farmers market will debut at Trimper’s Rides this week.

Beginning this Friday, Trimper’s Rides will debut its weekly Trimper’s Greenmarket.

From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. each Friday, the Greenmarket will provide a platform for local farmers to sell their goods to the public and the city’s restaurants.

Trimper’s Rides President Antoinette Bruno said the market will be an opportunity to support local vendors and buy fresh produce.

“I feel pretty strongly that the Greenmarket can be a center for community in our city,” she said. “With all that’s going on with COVID-19 and with the delayed opening of the city and the amusement park, we thought what better activity to bring locals and visitors alike together.”



  1. Sorry but while sounds like a great idea it's going to go over as well as a turd in a punchbowl. People aren't going to go to Trimpers to buy produce. They certainly aren't going to want to pay the parking either to go and buy it. And before anyone says I'm being "negative" no I am a business genius and I became the business genius I am because I am also a realist.

  2. Do thay not understand its not the time of the year for that.

  3. Someone can make a killing on farm grown TP!

  4. Think that u can build it but they will not come. There is no money to come and when the Grand and Hilton are charging 400+ a night for a room with 2 double beds and a couch are the norm.....HELLO.....u cannot make up for lost revenue this way. It is not a good business model when most haven't had money in MONTHS


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