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Friday, May 29, 2020

Armed redneck vigilantes' vow to return to Minnesota streets to protect stores from George Floyd protest looters as they reveal they met through gun rights rallies

Two men who described themselves as 'armed rednecks' standing guard outside Minneapolis shops during the George Floyd riots have defended taking the law into their own hands.

Stephen, 35, who did not want to give his surname, told DailyMail.com he took his AR-style pistol to the Lake Street area in south Minneapolis to prevent looting, and protect the mainly peaceful protesters.

Minnesota was wracked with protests on Tuesday and Wednesday night, after the killing on Monday of a black man, George Floyd, by a white police officer.



  1. If the police can't handle the crime in Minnesota WTH makes the rednecks think they can. They need to mind their own business because they will end up on the losing end. Those idiots elected a Democrat mare so let them suffer the consequences.

    1. STFU they are there bc people can't protect themselves.

  2. Good if the cops are afraid to do it

  3. "AR-style pistol"

    These media morons just keep showing how dumb they are with every story.

    1. There actually IS an AR style pistol, wherein your actual 9mm / 22 semi auto pistol interconnects to an AR style upper. Mostly foldable stocks. Actually a pretty cool self defense weapon.

  4. Where's Robocop when we need him?

  5. This is bad news and a precursor to a racial war.

    1. Good we need to think the Herd.

    2. Good we need to thin the Herd.

  6. It's the beginning of the race war. It's here. It's about time.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️ The 13% of the population are in for a Treat.

  7. You can take that job and shove it. Who in their right mind would subject themselves to dealing with those animals. While I support the Police I would suggest you guys look for employment in another line of work. Let them fend for themselves, kill each other, steal from each other, whatever. Not only do you have to deal with the animals, then you have to deal with the politics. Not worth it you Officers don't make enough money to put up with that bullshit.Last thought I guess nigger is no longer a bad work it seems to be used frequently it the community.

  8. And the leftmedia goes after them not the rioters,a despicable bunch.

  9. Good. They should. Real difficult to loot when you’re full of lead.

  10. Biden can send in his KKK men to take care of it !!!

  11. LOOT we Shoot.

  12. They aren't going to do crap. Talk a big game and that is it, guaranteed.

  13. thugs are out of control, yet the same Democrat idiots want to restrict the rest of us from being able to protect ourselves from these animals. They have their protection though. buy more ammo.

  14. The police cannot and will not protect you in these circumstances. That is just one reason why the second amendment exists. Your on your own. Arm yourself and exercise your constitutional rights.


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