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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Texas Governor And Attorney General Call For Immediate Release Of Jailed Salon Owner, Rip Judge For ‘Political Stunt’

Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton have each released statements calling for the immediate release of Shelley Luther, the Dallas salon owner who had the audacity to open her business. In the statement, Paxton heavily criticizes the judge, Obama devotee Eric Moye, who sentenced Luther to seven days in jail and ordered her to pay thousands in fines.

Paxton said he believes the judge is abusing his authority and that her arrest seems like a “political stunt.” In a full statement, Paxton said:

“I find it outrageous and out of touch that during this national pandemic, a judge, in a county that actually released hardened criminals for fear of contracting COVID-19, would jail a mother for operating her hair salon in an attempt to put food on her family’s table,” said Attorney General Paxton. “The trial judge did not need to lock up Shelley Luther. His order is a shameful abuse of judicial discretion, which seems like another political stunt in Dallas. He should release Ms. Luther immediately.”

The attorney general sent a letter to Moye, saying her sentencing was “significantly overbroad.” He mentioned that Abbott’s new executive order will allow her to operate business starting on Friday.

Paxton said jailing Luther for seven days, which overlaps with her being able to operate her business, is “unjustifiable.”

Abbott also released a statement, saying he agrees with Paxton in asking for her release.

“I join the Attorney General in disagreeing with the excessive action by the Dallas Judge, putting Shelley Luther in jail for seven days. As I have made clear through prior pronouncements, jailing Texans for non-compliance with executive orders should always be the last available option. Compliance with executive orders during this pandemic is important to ensure public safety; however, surely there are less restrictive means to achieving that goal than jailing a Texas mother.”

Luther received a cease-and-desist letter last week from Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins to close her salon, but she publicly ripped it up.

Luther and her salon were also fined $500 for each day it was open, which was seven in total as of Tuesday. Moye said her salon would continue to be fined every day it was open until the new order would allow it to reopen on Friday.



  1. Shelly Luther is a true Patriot. We need more business owners to make a stand against these unconstitutional rules. Maybe this will start a precedent.

  2. She's been freed today!!!!

  3. Time for ALL places to open We the people have your back 🖕Hogan but there is too many chicken shits on the shore.

  4. You need to do your research on Shelley.
    First off Shelley was given the option not to go to jail and
    she decided to go . It was a free advertising stunt from the get go. She said she needed to feed her kids.
    Her kids are 17 and an adult . Both are physically able to work and there were plenty of fast food restaurants in Texas begging for workers in the area. She has posted stuff every day inn facebook bragging that she was open.
    Again....free advertising. She could have just kept her mouth shut and continued to operate under the radar.
    She chose to tell it on numerous news stations etc and that is why she was issued a cease and desist order.
    She was not arrested because she was open she was arrested because she would not follow the order after drawing attention to herself. She continued to flaunt that she was open and went to a rally and tore the cease and desist order up in front of the crowd. Again...free advertising. The judge gave her options when she went to court and she chose to go to jail. She knew she would only be there one night. Stop making this woman out to be some kind of a patriot. Do your research first!
    She and her boyfriend are in a band together.
    He said they both recently got divorces and so that cost them both a lot of money. Bottom line is they are both
    self employed and probably don’t pay half the taxes of
    someone who works for an employer. Both she and he should have had enough money to keep them going for
    two months . Again do your research. I was already to jump on the Shelley bandwagon until I checked her out.

    1. The best thing you can do is practice what you preach. The lady refused to kneel and kiss the dude on the bench because there is no such law he was attempting to pedal. It is a order (suggestion). During your research, did you ever wonder why the Governor and Lt. Governor corrected and over ruled the previous administrations pick to wear a black robe?

    2. Poor little Libtard 9:53!! You just don’t get it, do you!

  5. I'm on her bandwagon and will stay. I don't care about her free advertising, nobody forced the reporters to blow this up.

  6. 9:53....Even IF thats true, is your point that a Business owner shouldn't be allowed to open, and earn an honest living? Or is it that we should OBEY alaws no matter how unreasonable or unconstitutional they are? Or is it that someone who feels they have the right to free enterprise, should instead just stick their hand out and accept the government cheese? Or that the business owner shouldn't give a Rat's ass about their staffs need to make an honest living?....or MAYBE, you just dont like BANDS?

  7. May 7, 2020 at 9:53 PM

    Maybe you need to recheck your research. Everyone knows she was given a 'choice'. She could have apologized for going to work, AFTER the judge called her selfish. Maybe you should watch the videos of the court hearing.

    Or maybe we should take your word for it and not the governor of Tx, or the AG of Tx, or the Rep of Tx? I think not.

    This lady stood her ground, refused to kowtow to a judge who abused his authority, and took one for all Americans who are opposed to this power grab and unnecessary rules.

    It's called integrity. Maybe something you are not familiar with.

    1. I don't think their argument is about her standing her ground. That is not how it reads. I am thinking it is more due to her exploiting it over social media. It is the difference between being lowkey and slapping someone in the face about it.

  8. May 7, 2020 at 9:53 PM

    I don't know what you call research but you are wrong. And then you go on to personally attack her. What a tool.

  9. Hey 9:53 maybe you should go and work at a fast food establishment

  10. I lived in north Texas for 25 years. My research came from various Texas publications including the Dallas Morning News. Dan Patrick has become an embarrassment for the state. If you do research on him you will find he is from Baltimore and has filed bankruptcy and changed his name. If everyone who wanted to defy a cease and desist order did so we would have total chaos. She had a choice and chose to go to jail. The governor chose to get involved after the fact as the whole thing blew up in his face. He allowed restaurants to open before the salons and that was what
    the hoopla was about. Follow the money......the restaurant business is huge in Texas and puts much more money in the tax coffers than salons. They squealed the loudest and so they got to open first.

  11. My hairdresser owns a salon in her home and is still working. She says she has to work or who will pay her bills? I am very grateful she could cut my hair. She only allows one at a time and bleaches between each customer. Obviously because it is in her home she is trying to be careful. If I was worried, I could choose not to go. We need to open the small business. There is a way to be more safe but still allow the small guy to pay their bills.


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