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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Dumb And Corrupt Cops Risk Losing Our Support

As conservatives, we pride ourselves on our unwavering support of the Thin Blue Line, on backing our cops against leftist slander, and yet stupid and evil people in law enforcement are putting that default thumbs-up from normal Americans at risk. It’s bad enough when we watch the ridiculous spectacle of Deputy Karren and Deputy Man-Karen yelling at some mom for committing felony play-dating, but then we see how the FBI has flat-out framed political enemies and it’s too much. If the LEO community does not police its own ranks and stamp out this nonsense, it might as well take all the goodwill it has earned over the years, douse it in cheap gasoline, and set it on fire.

A big chunk of society, mostly on the left, detests the police. It would be a really poor idea to convert the right to that point of view too. But that’s where these trends lead.

Here’s the thing – we normals respect our police not merely because they have badges and funny hats but because they take personal risks to protect us from those who would violate our rights. Usually, these violators are criminals. But the category of “People who violate our rights” also includes political hacks and bureaucratic petty fascists. And we reasonably expect to be protected from those creeps too.

“But we might get suspended or fired!” is the response. Well, yeah. That’s correct. And that’s immaterial.



  1. You just ask a cop if he works for you. Ha ha ha. He thinks of you no different than Pelosi.

  2. Our local sheriff's better PRAY they are on the side of Patriots.

  3. We need programmed ROBO COPS. Law enforcement appeals to PTSD vets and creepy egomaniacs small in stature with similar dysfunction. You use to have to be trim and at least six foot tall to be a State Trooper and now you get pulled over by these short waddles in drag freaking out with their chubby little hands on their pistol......aka their penis. I can't tell the males from the females they all seem like lesbian gym teachers.

    1. Those State boys are huge! Where the heck do they grow them from?

  4. We need the police but,a lot of them are real asses

    1. We do need them. You are right a lot of them carry a chip on there shoulder.

    2. Don’t need them.
      Government needs them to enslave us.

  5. My son always said, if a cop shows up, there's a good chance he's not there to serve and protect, but to gather or conjure evidence to charge you or someone else. Otherwise, it's a waste of their time.
    There used to be a time when you would tell your kids to call the police if they were in trouble. I would never give that same advice today. It's sad.

  6. I have a policeman move in next door, The man is a real peace of crap he even teaches his children to break the law. Respect you earn.

    1. I know a couple of them that cheat on their wives too. One cheated with a fellow officers wife. I have witnessed them drunk and driving. I know their job is difficult, but you have to adhere to the same laws. Until the "system" fixes that, this will continue to happen.

  7. The court system is a complete money machine. One day in a courtroom observing will prove that to you.

  8. Local wicomico county LEO stated: " we're in the business of growth".

  9. Just wait until they go to war against the people for the politicians and there paychecks. Cause you better believe they will go to war against the people.

  10. How come they keep saying there are some bad apples like in every profession but we keep seeing a lot of those bad apples in the news.

    1. It is probably like anything else. The squeaky wheel is the one that gets the attention.

  11. Just look at what the Hell is going on in the Salisbury Police Department. The two biggest problems with that department is Barbara Duncan and Jake Day and instead of finding a real police chief, he keeps her. Jake Day is the real problem. He keeps that incompetent woman/she/her as leader of a corrupt department. Then he appoints another corrupt clown as the fire chief.

    I will say it again. JAKE DAY IS THE REAL PROBLEM!!

  12. kops don't work for you/us! they work for the government. they enforce whatever laws the stupid political class passes! guess who votes for the politicians that make these laws?
    Look in the mirror! you are the problem!

    1. Those that control the money are the problem. We peons do not matter to them.

  13. What is our local Sheriff office or Salisbury PD doing lately? Are they still patrolling? Are they hiding in their offices?

    1. I see them shooting radar, that's about it. As Sherriff Lewis said years ago, "Speeding is our biggest problem around here". Remember that?

  14. Northwest Woodsman: From an old law enforcement officer’s perspective, the younger officers that make up a large percentage of most departments, have been subject to the same Pedomarxist liberal democrat indoctrination that degrades our culture and way of life. They have been influenced by the government education system with its extensive anti-white or “white privilege” philosophy being fed to them on a daily basis. US history and form of patriotism is looked down upon and ridiculed. That coupled with departments forced to hire poor quality candidates due to affirmative action requirements has led what we experience in today’s police departments. All part of the cultural Marxist plan to destroy us.

  15. I respect Police Officers. They do put up with a lot of shit. Only on a few occasions have I met a bad apple. My neighbor - OC officer ( Board walk bike officer). A real jerk. Big fish little town I guess. Married owner of McDonald's. Made him worse. Rumor has it - cheated on wife with another neighbor. For some reason your local cops have very big egos. So glad I'm out of there. Let's give the other Officers the benefit of the doubt. Who do you call when you need protection or help. Why yes - the cops.

  16. It was all good when the jack boots oppressed black people, now that it's you there is a problem! Hahahahaha! Too funny! You reap what you sow.


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