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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Texas Attorney General: Jailing Salon Owner Was a ‘Shameful Abuse’

Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton called the jailing of a Dallas salon owner “excessive” and a “shameful abuse” as they called for her release. A district court judge ordered the salon owner and mother jailed for seven days for re-opening her salon during the Coronavirus lockdown imposed by Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins.

“I find it outrageous and out of touch that during this national pandemic, a judge, in a county that actually released hardened criminals for fear of contracting COVID-19, would jail a mother for operating her hair salon in an attempt to put food on her family’s table,” Attorney General Paxton said in a written statement on Wednesday. “The trial judge did not need to lock up Shelley Luther. His order is a shameful abuse of judicial discretion, which seems like another political stunt in Dallas. He should release Ms. Luther immediately.”

Texas District Court Judge Eric Moyé ordered Luther to jail for seven days beginning on Tuesday evening for contempt of court, Breitbart Texas reported. During a contempt hearing held on Zoom, the judge offered Luther the opportunity to apologize to elected officials “she disrespected” in order to stay out of jail.

Earlier on Wednesday, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz expressed his concern over the Dallas judge’s action. “7 days in jail for cutting hair??? This is NUTS,” the junior senator from Texas tweeted. “And government officials don’t get to order citizens to apologize to them for daring to earn a living.”

A spokesperson for Luther’s attorney’s office said they have not been allowed to speak with Luther and do not know her current condition or situation in the jail.



  1. I really admire this woman. She took a stand and did not waiver. No surprise that sentencing judge is a democRAT!

  2. Recall the pos judge.

  3. Our country is becoming the laughing stock of the world. What's the point in unenforced restrictions?

    1. Right 335, they locked her up for trying to make an honest living and let criminals out of prison so they won't get the virus?? They are unconstitutional restrictions, damn it. Why can't you understand that?
      STILL SHAKING MY HEAD trying to make some sense of this stupidity.

  4. These judges forget they work for WE the PEOPLE not we work for them
    Let's remove all these idiots

  5. Judge needs to be removed.

    1. Did you mean to type:

      Judge needs to be hanged?

  6. Her Gofundme page is over $750,000 I believe.

    1. Awesome, she deserves every penny of it for standing up for herself and the rest of us against a tyrannical government. More businesses should do the same.

    2. I'd let them lock me up for a week to receive 3/4's of a million dollars.

  7. 3:35.. so you agree with the facist approach and government authortian over reach.

    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"

  8. Glad she's now freed.

  9. SO when there is a rule or authority that says no - we do the opposite because we don't agree.....uhhh ok. Until we need help that is. ok.

    Since I don't like the speed limit, I'm going to speed. When I get a ticket AND I will, I'm not going to pay because I don't like the rules and I feel they infringe my rights.

    Yeah - ok with that mindset. The mindset that starts Civil Wars - which in the end No One wins....but again its about how I feel.

    Ok I'm onboard now. Now enough of this talk, I need to head to route 50 and get all those concrete barriers up because I don't want visitors to come in because I don't want anything opened up yet...

    Good grief folks.

    1. They’re not allowed to violate constitutional rights and it’s a dangerous precedent to allow it even for a short time... if you cannot understand that then you don’t deserve liberty or freedom and should move to China

    2. The average citizen cannot just break the law set by the government. We may not like it but it has to be followed until deemed unconstitutional. @7:47 is correct with what was stated. If we all did that we would have anarchy in the streets. Not everything requires the most drastic measures. It is like the saying goes, if you want to be treated like an adult...act like one. The time will come for just, the dust just needs to settle.

    3. These orders are not law passed by legislation, they are dictates put out there by mayors and governors. No judge should be treating them as law unless they have gone through the legislative process.

  10. For the first time, I am disappointed with President Trump. He needs to lead by reopening ALL federally controlled entities and use social distancing as a safety measure.

  11. 7:47 get back on your meds.

    1. They have about the most reasonable explanation for their thoughts on here. Not name calling and listen to me demands. They presented why they feel the way they do. You know, a rational thinker. This is how you communicate and have healthy debates on topics.

  12. Damn, she is model material.

    1. This off topic, but I was thinking the same thing.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Awesome, she deserves every penny of it for standing up for herself and the rest of us against a tyrannical government. More businesses should do the same.

    May 8, 2020 at 7:33 AM

    Yeah, but that should come from the courts, now.

  14. When I first saw the story and the video I thought something was strange with that judge. He sounded ghetto when he spoke. I bet he enjoyed sending that white woman to jail. He needs to be the one going to jail.

  15. Should have never arrested such a good looking woman! Bet Joe Biden would love to frisk her!

  16. Biden could tell the shampoo she uses by just a little sniff of her head!

  17. Ted Cruz went to her salon and got a haircut from her... very cool!


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