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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Democrat Lawmakers Demand Vote-by-Mail for ‘Remainder of the 2020 Election Cycle and Beyond’

Democrat Reps. Joe Kennedy III (D-MA) and Mark Pocan (D-WI) in an op-ed on Tuesday called for implementation of vote-by-mail for the “remainder of the 2020 election cycle — and beyond.”

The Democrat lawmakers laid out a bleak view, casting the Trump administration as dropping the ball on coronavirus crisis, resulting in tens of thousands of U.S. deaths.

“Inexcusable delays and denials at the highest level of our government made the pain and suffering of this crisis worse than it ever should have been,” theyclaimed, citing the shortages of masks and financial strain on small business assistance — assistance members of their own party initially blocked when it first came time to replenish the fund.

“And our president gets on TV every day without a word of comfort for a grieving nation. We’re angry, too,” they wrote, attempting to hit a positive note by assuring readers that they can “make our fury known” at the ballot box.

The safety of doing so, they contend, remains a major point concern. Following an ever-growing list of colleagues using the Chinese coronavirus as a means to push party agenda items, both Kennedy and Pocan stated that “COVID-19 threatens to erect unprecedented roadblocks to participation” and pitched universal vote-by-mail as a solution.

“How can we ask voters to risk their heath to show up in person and cast a vote?” they asked.

“We can’t. Which is why Congress and state leaders across the country must move immediately to implement vote by mail for the remainder of the 2020 election cycle — and beyond,” they said, affirming the GOP’s growing suspicion that Democrats intend to use the crisis to implement mail-in voting for elections beyond the crisis.

They said:



  1. Democrat Lawmakers Demand Vote-by-Mail for ‘Remainder of the 2020 Election Cycle and Beyond’


    Of course they do!! They have a plan and this is perfect for Voter Fraud.

    Civil War II is on the horizon.

  2. Damn it, they cheat enough without going to this. NO, this is not acceptable. Their demands should be flushed down the toilet.

  3. Oh yes Gore and Hillary sceanrios wont happen this time! they have ensure their system will work this time,
    Voting machine, illegals, dead, double voting, ballot harvesting, soros and the swamp. Whoever the dems put up will be a lackey for the deep state NWO globalists.

  4. Just cancel the election. Trump and Pence for four more years.

  5. "How can we ask voters to risk their health to show up in person and cast a vote?” they asked.

    Americans risk their lives EVERYDAY.

    Sorry we vote normally as a nation. Plan for the 1st Tues in Nov to go out and vote.

  6. Anonymous said...
    I’m waiting for CWII

    May 8, 2020 at 6:18 AM


  7. no....no....no.

  8. All voting booths are usually more than 6 feet apart anyway. They limit number of people in the area already. Just have to monitor lines outside just like grocery stores do. Vote by mail leaves way to much open for fraud!

  9. Since when do the democrates DEMAND how the election is done? What will they (or won't they ) do to cheat if their demand is not met?


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