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Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Still no testing here for regular people. The one at Perdue was for poultry workers and their family.


  1. Nope it was for anyone read what you posted.

  2. Yes it is for anyone as was the last one. It was/is encouraged those in the processing plants and their families be tested but not limited to them.

  3. I read before that the initial testing sheet was written wrong and was to be for poultry industry and families only

  4. Guess regular is the new non-existent until wanted.

    (sad snicker snicker)

  5. Quest Diagnostics has COVID-19 Immune Response testing available $199.
    Looks like they are taking appointment in DE, not see any openings in Salisbury.

  6. $199?? They can't charge that, it is supposed to be free testing. It is not even 100% what they are testing for!!

  7. The problem with allowing everyone to get tested without a healthcare provider's order is the problem that is popping up in other areas and are falsely inflating the numbers. People who 3 days before a week before who feel fairly well are going out and being retested and are testing again positive. In some states they've found they are counting the same people 2 and 3 times.

  8. "Anonymous said...
    I read before that the initial testing sheet was written wrong and was to be for poultry industry and families only

    May 5, 2020 at 2:51 PM"

    Untrue. Nothing was written wrong.

  9. Poultry workers and their families aren't regular people?

  10. It's actually $119 and it's not the test to see if you are neg or pos. It is an antibody test to see if you've had it.

  11. It is not "free"....If you have insurance, your insurance company has to pay 100% of the cost, if you do not have insurance then you are responsible for the bill. The "free testing" is only for those insured and it is not actually "free"


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