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Tuesday, May 05, 2020



  1. Are they unqualified or just lazy is the question.

  2. When are you morons going to learn everything is about money!!!! That is it!!!! They want your mom to die becasue she is no use as a slave and is 68 years old... It is quite funny how these same people say its all for the kids and for safety and your well being when they want to raise your taxes and all of that other crap, then when you need them, which you pay for them, they refuse, they make stuff up so they don't have to do it or in this case simply walk out... but I bet you they still charged this women for not doing anything thought right? Just like how the fire department just HAD TO GET A BOAT and hasn't been used in 2 or 3 years and sits in dry dock... but they had to have it... Or like how they will hire cops with grant money and won't fire the cop so they raise taxes to pay for the new cops salary...

    Look until you all stand together and fight back or stop all of this nonsense... It won't get fixed and will get worse... If that is what you lazy morons what then so be it, just shut the fuck up, and stop coming here to run your mouth about how you don't like something you either won't help fix or you helped cause your own-self...

    Some 30k plus people live in your POS city, and not even 1% came and voted for the mayor... Think about that, then you won't even come vote and you still run your mouth like it will magically fix the problem...

    1. Bottom line it’s the thing and you know the rest c’mon man!!


  4. 240/120 sounds completely normal, right?!? Perhaps they wouldn't take her to the hospital because the blood pressure test was from the CDC and they knew 240/120 was as unreliable number.

    People who are really sick need to go to the hospital, losers. Corona is not the only way people die, though it seems to be the only way they record deaths.

  5. I hope someone makes sure this is forwarded to Maryland Institute of Emergency Services System (MIESS). Both providers should have their certifications and licenses taken away. This is a clear case of failure to provide care.

    If it is only posted here, we all know the brass at SFD will ignore it and sweep in under the rug.

  6. The psychological lasting effects by the front line medical/emergency staff making live/die decisions will be much worse than natural disasters of the past.

    And then families.


  7. If you have a complaint go to SFD and file a formal complaint in writing if such actually happened. I'm sure there will not one filed.

  8. They are EMS and do not know a thing called "liability"? Let that fall on the one that gave that order and the Hospital for refusing treatment. Appears to be a widen open lawsuit. If she passes, which I hope not there is a case of "wrongful death suit", since they refused proper medical care.

  9. Haven't we seen this Skaleah before??

    1. That definitely is the picture of the girl that was missing a couple of months ago.

  10. "Anonymous said...
    If you have a complaint go to SFD and file a formal complaint in writing if such actually happened. I'm sure there will not one filed.

    May 5, 2020 at 3:35 PM"

    Do both for any hope of action. File and make noise on social media. Publicizing complaints are more likely to get action.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Are they unqualified or just lazy is the question.

    May 5, 2020 at 1:43 PM


  12. Anonymous said...
    When are you morons going to learn everything is about money!!!! That is it!!!! They want your mom to die becasue she is no use as a slave and is 68 years old... It is quite funny how these same people say its all for the kids and for safety and your well being when they want to raise your taxes and all of that other crap, then when you need them, which you pay for them, they refuse, they make stuff up so they don't have to do it or in this case simply walk out... but I bet you they still charged this women for not doing anything thought right? Just like how the fire department just HAD TO GET A BOAT and hasn't been used in 2 or 3 years and sits in dry dock... but they had to have it... Or like how they will hire cops with grant money and won't fire the cop so they raise taxes to pay for the new cops salary...

    Look until you all stand together and fight back or stop all of this nonsense... It won't get fixed and will get worse... If that is what you lazy morons what then so be it, just shut the fuck up, and stop coming here to run your mouth about how you don't like something you either won't help fix or you helped cause your own-self...

    Some 30k plus people live in your POS city, and not even 1% came and voted for the mayor... Think about that, then you won't even come vote and you still run your mouth like it will magically fix the problem...

    May 5, 2020 at 1:52 PM

    Just like how the fire department just HAD TO GET A BOAT and hasn't been used in 2 or 3 years and sits in dry dock...

    Actually it hasn't been used in 10 years since they bought it. It wasn't even needed.

  13. Jake Day should have never appointed John Tull as the fire chief. This is definitely a case where the city should have hired a real professional fire chief from a real fire department and gave him the authority to CLEAN HOUSE!!

  14. John Tull is nothing but an a$$ kisser and always has been. That is how he got to where he is now. Just look at him, he hired his own son as a paid fireman. WTF!

  15. How was she supposed to be admitted if she didn't go to the ER to be evaluated? You can barely get a doctor appointment. Going to the urgent care would not have helped.

    Since when did these people become doctors and have diagnosing privileges? Aren't they to provide supportive care upon transport and leave the diagnosing to the hospital?

  16. Where does it say anything about it being Salisbury EMS? Sorry, I don't have Facebook so I can't look at the original post if it's on there.

    1. It’s fake. Look at the last name lol

  17. 7:45 You are right. It is.


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