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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Salisbury Maryland Gannett Daily Times Clearly On Their Last Leg & Desperate


  1. How about . 99 cent for 1 year ? Lol.

  2. Almost cheaper than toilet paper...except you get ink on your ass!

  3. I picked up a copy 2 weeks ago to see what they charge per paper on a week day. $2.00! 3 pages, not including advertising. Why would anyone pay for that? The same garbage can be found on wboc.com for free.

  4. The day they endorsed obama I canceled my subscription and have never missed them since!

  5. If you plan on eating a lot of crabs it would almost be worth it. I'll save my money and eat off the Salisbury Dependents or the Wicomico Weakly


  6. Probably circulation audit upcoming. By getting a few more subscribers on the books, they can try to reduce erosion of rates they charge more sophisticated advertisers. Not a good sign; reeks of desperation.

  7. If it weren't for required government and legal notices and commercial inserts there wouldn't be a DT. The paper now has a staff that could work in a place the size of a single-wide mobile home.

  8. In need of bird cage liner?? Thats pretty cheap. The paper content is a total waste of ink

  9. I never understood the ‘logic’ of a business such as newspapers, late night TV shows (Fallon, Colbert, Kimmel) being so one sided. This automatically eliminates half of the audience as viewers and thus potential revenue from sponsors. As I recall Johnny Carson treated all people as equals. Please don’t get the impression that I think the current late night ‘hosts’ are in the same league as Carson.

  10. It used to be really great back in the day when it was The Salisbury Times and the Daily Times. It is really sad to see it disappear but as things improve hope it continues as a long time customer who 1st subscribed back in 1969. Sad!!!

  11. It's amazing how everything the liberal left, rainbow coalition in Salisbury touches turns to shit

  12. If it wasn't for Sunday coupons, I would never purchase the rag.

  13. I dont pay anything mine come free, they just throw them in my yard

  14. Trash Newspaper, just like Wboc and Wmdt 47 news Channels. Communist Propaganda just like North Korea and China.

  15. 3:33 got that right

  16. 11:36 am

    I presume that is what they would pay me to take the dirty rag off their hands? There is not enough money to pay me to take contaminated garbage off someone's hands. Good riddance and don't let the birdcage door hit you in the ass.

  17. Everyone there is a piece of crap, from the head honcho , human resource manager who is a real wacky ding dong (needs mental health) right down to the low man on the payroll. The rag needs to go.

  18. I thought the Daily Times ended years ago, should have bite the dust.

  19. That paper is liberal garbage. Stopped delivery years ago and ever since I get calls regularly from Time's sales people offering deals that are almost giving the paper away. The reality is, newspapers don't make their nut on subscription fees, they make it on advertising rates and the more papers the Times can show prospective advertisers are in front of readers, the more the paper can charge businesses for placing those ads.

  20. DAILY TIMES has been a liberal rag for the last 20 years or more.. I miss the old weekly SALISBURY ADVERTISER..


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