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Thursday, May 28, 2020

CDC update: COVID-19 death rate predicted to be LESS THAN ONE PERCENT


  1. The are purposely trying to confuse you for their political agenda. The 4%-5% is the Case Fatality Rate, which is guessed to level out at about 3%-6% (but currently is 6%-20% because number of people infected, but takes 5 weeks to be recovered). This is total number of people with an outcome from a disease that die. So (total deaths) / (total recovered + total deaths) = case fatality rate.

    This <1% is the Cumulative Death Rate, or Mortality Rate etc. So total deaths from a particular disease in an entire population. So bogus news articles have put this at 0.26% which with a population of 329 million in the US, is still 856,000 deaths this year (ending Feb 2021) from Covid.

    So they trying to make it like it's not a big deal, but their bogus stat actually makes it seem like almost 1 million will die from Covid in the US. (experts actually predict about ~260,000 deaths in the year).

    So see how spreading bogus news is just stupid and confuses everyone.

  2. And that's 1 percent to many.
    Should never have happened.

    1. Who’s to blame? It’s a virus

  3. More deaths than Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan (44 year period).

  4. And is this 1 percent of reported cases only? This illness is massively under reported since a vast number of people who had it, with in now and will at some point contract it will not seek any medical intervention at all.

  5. "And that's 1 percent to many..."

    That's still a lot fewer than die from abortions every year.

  6. If it is YOU or Your Loved ones , then even ONE is too many !!!

    1. What do you mean, “too many”?
      Do you mean God should have made us live for ever? Are you angry at God because you are not a deity?

    2. 12:45 Did you say the same thing about the flu?

  7. People, people, IT IS A HOAX/PLANDEMIC/SCAMDEMIC. It's all about that biometric ID. Covid... Certificate Of Vaccination ID, won't be able to buy, sell, or participate in society w/o it. What's that sound like? Ever read Revelations? Not to mention agenda 21/30, elimination of urban sprawl, end of privately owned property, mass surveillance, TOTAL CONTROL. Look at what's happening to the food supply chain. "Control the food & you control the population.” The entire beast system is being ushered in & ppl runnin around with designer panties on their faces bc they believe the lies they've been told by MSM & corrupt, lying officials. ALL the info is out there for those with eyes to see & ears to hear. Look at the criteria for being labelled a covid death. Straight from their own lips, "If someone's in hospice & has been expected to die, & dies, & was suspected to have had covid, even if they were never tested, yes, they are counted." Compare the deceptively aggrandized numbers w/the flu for any given year. See the empty hospitals. Hear the MD's with integrity who are speaking the truth about this. Watch all the predictive programing that has been out for YEARS (even decades). Read their plans. Search Rockefeller Foundation's Scenarios for the Future of Technology & International Development, composed in 2010! Watch event 201 held by the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation in Oct 2019! This was planned folks. The whole cooked up in a lab story is just that, a cooked up story intended to induce fear. They're mocking us. Wake up people before all is lost.

    1. Wow! It sounds like you have taken every single conspiracy theory known to man to create that masterpiece of a comment! I bet you haven’t thought about this though (and this is 100% completely verified because I decided it’s true and that is the only criteria that needs to be met according to “critical thinkers” like you...it was actually Tupac (who is still alive and has been in the witness protection program this whole time specifically for this purpose) who brought the virus from China to the United States. I know you will thank me for cluing you into that piece of the plandemic puzzle.

  8. Too many people posting articles and repeating things to support their political beliefs. This virus is real. I've had co-workers who've had it, and co-workers who have lost parents to it. It's not just the flu, there is no cure, no vaccine and if you contract it, you have a 50/50 chance as much is not known about it. Babies have died, perfectly healthy people have died. If you think this is a joke to make Trump look bad then all I can say is maybe this virus can purge us of the idiots.

    1. Yes i agree12:57. Please rid us of the useful idiots who beleive this real virus is NOT just another way to tighten the vice on our necks. 12:46 is more accurate as to what is really going on.
      Hidden dangers of the rainbow is a good read as to what the swamp really is!!

    2. 12:57
      You are joking


    3. Boy if 12:57 hasn't taken hook line and sinker. Just goes to show you how gullible people are

  9. 12:57, you better stay under your rock, you sound like you are scared silly.

  10. I am so disappointed that Biden and Ginsburg didn't get the virus and have their names on the list of 100,000.


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