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Sunday, May 17, 2020

My Message To Governor Hogan & Elected Representatives

Mary Beth Carozza We are pushing for outdoor seating and other outdoor commercial activities! Local decisions!

PUSHING is one thing but let me assure you, the county has put up every possible road block to make damn sure we can't open and I'm talking about EVERYONE! I have the perfect situation for outdoor seating and now they want planning and zoning involved, fire marshal, health department, you name it and guess what, some of those departments haven't met since January. We all chose to give this TWO MORE WEEKS, that's it. We are ALL going to lawyer up together as one and fight this BS. ADULTS have the right to choose what they can and can't do. This virus is a load of crap. There are far less deaths in the United States the first FOUR MONTHS of this year then there have been in the past FOUR YEARS and I'll add there's FIVE MILLION more people! Yeah, something your mainstream media is HIDING! Enough is enough of this crap. I am a proud CONSERVATIVE and I want to GO BACK TO WORK and EARN my keep! I do NOT want my government supporting me NOR do I want them CONTROLLING me. TWO WEEKS GOVERNOR HOGAN!!!!!


  1. A lot of us have been saying this since it started. The goalposts keep moving in order to support the shutdowns while the democrats continue to push through outrageous spending bills that the American people see very little of. They also get to keep ol sleepy joe in hiding vs out on the trail. I can’t wait for that 1st debate.

  2. The first concerns of politicians are to get reelected and be responsible for the fewest deaths possible.

  3. What the hell do all these other agencies have to do with this. My God what have we got here? This is scary my friends. Time to start making them scared.

  4. Gee Joe! It is refreshing to read your viewpoint. You are spot on. Many people had reached this conclusion several weeks ago. I just returned from Beaufort, SC Wednesday. Being there was like being back in the America that I love. Unfortunately, I had to return to “Ground Hogan” land.

    1. Hear here!

      Glad Joe is with us on this.
      It took a while.

  5. those other agencies are regulatory agencies, basically unelected bureaucrats waiting to infringe upon your rights by way of regulations instituted by them, ie think DNR! so they just rescind your license for what ever it is you are doing that they dont like! time for a revolution in this country and take all those f'n worthless messed up demonicrats out back and give them what they deserve!

  6. They are going to go after you with code. You can thank Ed Potez for that.

  7. It's absurd to not allow outdoor dining. The whole thing keeping restaurants closed is absurd since there is no evidence that dining in a restaurant has been the cause of an outbreak. That carryout has been allowed is showing kitchen staff aren't spreading the virus among each other either.

  8. You're right, Joe. This is no more than another flu season less deadly than any since at least 2017! These draconian executive orders to "protect" us are wholly unconstitutional and killing small and big businesses.

    I say open tomorrow. Look what Elon Musk did.

    "Message received".

    1. 46 billion short and musk has been constantly saying virus is over stated. Musk came out against shaming

  9. Georgia is Open for Business, No Corona worries for me.

  10. Time to get back to work this is ridiculous.

  11. Right there with you. except I am in Delaware with a worse governor than you guys .I do work in Maryland so I have to put up with both pos govenors.

  12. You are getting screwed Joe not only for your politics but also because you're outside of OC.

    Sure pisses ME off!

  13. The only way to win is for all restaurants to join together and Open Outside !!!!

  14. "Anonymous said...
    You're right, Joe. This is no more than another flu season less deadly than any since at least 2017! These draconian executive orders to "protect" us are wholly unconstitutional and killing small and big businesses.

    I say open tomorrow. Look what Elon Musk did.

    "Message received".

    May 15, 2020 at 8:04 AM"

    Not a good defense because there is a built in excuse for them. They will say it's because of the "life saving measures" taken by them like shutting everything down. We have to come up with something else. I say show us fact backed evidence that restaurant dining has been a source of the spread.

  15. It is like Reagan once said, "The scariest words that one can here-Hi I am from the government, and I am here to help you."

  16. On your side and wish you the best. Fileing suit now {worthless without an injunction} might get you open in 3-4weeks, delaying will end up being moot, they know the game and are prepared to abuse it. Needs to include OC, Wor and the state. Not many are willing to do the right thing on principle {Constitutional Rights} so we end up a little more complacent to the abuse of law by the tyrants.
    Its a very large corrupt machine.

  17. Bob Aswell....RealistMay 15, 2020 at 8:41 AM

    I see this as two weeks too late for the lawyers to get in it. It'll take two weeks for this action to circulate in the Court after the filing, plus the time the Judiciary takes to get a hearing before the Circuit.
    Hoggan has the time to work his magic at the state level but he won't fool with the Feds and that's where Mr. Cox (delegate Frederick Co.) filed his in Federal Court. This effort between Hoggan and Cuomo to extort money from the Treasury is in vain and the people from Md. bear the wrath of all the officials trying to get this economy started again. It has to be Unconstitutional on many grounds.
    Corroza and the rest of what's called a Delegation is no more than lip service and I wouldn't believe any resolution will come by their intervention.
    Weight broke the wagon down and Memorial Day is coming soon. Rise up Worcester and vanquish Hoggan.

  18. Joe
    Glad to see you are finally taking a position against this power grab by the government.
    Thank you!

    1. Time to Lock n Load and see who's side the police are on ?

  19. Well, I think by June 1st you'll have your wish for limited outdoor seating. I think if you have seen the writing on the wall that's what they're planning.

  20. If us Americans don't stand together on this bull shit and fight for our rights then they are gonna take us down so come on people let's fight these pricks and take back what's ours

  21. You speak the truth. This whole corona virus treatment is a sham. The deaths numbers are a sham.

    1. Oh Wow. The freaking mindset on here sometimes is astounding! "It's all a sham". Visit a hospital or talk to a Doctor. I mean directly and in person. Not one you've read in the interweb.

    2. i have and to my dissmay they called it a sham

    3. 939
      Name some people u know who have died from the chinavirus ?

    4. 9:39. Low IQ response. Plenty of hospital personnel are laid of because the hospitals are empty. Look at the actual deaths from January through April of 2019 vs 2020. Barely any difference.

    5. You must know different nurses and Doctors because the ones I have talked to say the children and adults they are treating in the hospital are very, very sick. They also say they have never seen anything thing like it before. I also spoke with a respiratory nurse who watches people die daily at John's Hopkins. Also a local Dr here in Salisbury who also works at John's Hopkins who is concerned. I think saying the virus is fake and not bad makes it hard to get people to agree.

      I support opening things up by the way, slowly and carefully. The virus is serious but so is the fact people can't work. This virus is mutating and I hope with us starting to open and being more prepared, things go well.

    6. @6:16 you are a voice of reason. Most people on here do not know how to have a sensible conversation.

    7. 6:16. Reading comprehension. They never said the virus was fake. They said the treatment of the virus and the death numbers were fake.

  22. I can see what the reasoning was behind closing down businesses deemed non essential and limiting gatherings to 10 or less--- Makes contact tracing easier.

    Experiment should be over the results are in and they couldn't be clearer.

    Now that we've had only the so called essential businesses open for what like 2 months now and there hasn't been any outbreaks linked to shopping in a Walmart or grocery store or among employees and staff. Nor has there been any outbreaks associated with carryout food and staff sometimes working in contact in kitchens there seems to be plenty evidence that casual contact is not much a factor when it comes to spreading and especially now that most people are taking action like hand washing etc. And make your rule NO HANDS TO YOUR FACE especially if you are out and about. I don't care how much you wash your hand use sanitizer STOP the hand to face connection.

  23. Careful, Joe.
    This is NOT an area where being outspoken is looked upon very well.
    You'll make some noise and they will publicly "do all they can" to rectify the situation for you.
    Then, when you are open, expect a parade of county and local services coming in to inspect every corner, every angle, of your business.
    Good luck if someone under 21 slips through and buys a drink at your place. They will crucify you.
    OC does not like bad publicity. You have to play the game.
    If you think I'm wrong, here's one example: In a town that has hundreds of restaurants, and (at one time) four legit newspapers, have you ever seen a "serious" restaurant review?
    Nope. Never happen.
    Gotta play the game, Joe. I wish you the best.

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    2. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

  24. Staff MathematicianMay 15, 2020 at 9:50 AM

    To 8:26 AM, You may have missed our May 3rd article entitled, "SBYNews Exclusive. Again, who do you trust...."

    I invite you to go back there and find your facts!

  25. This is a time to see where the "Local" sheriff's are in standing with the people, Time for MASS protests and tell Rino Hogan 🖕

    1. Yeah,
      What say you Sheriff's in Worcester n Wicomico ?????

    2. Crisafulli will do whatever the powers that be want. He has no spine.

  26. Why are we the people taking a knee to this bullshit enough is enough say the word.

  27. 9:39

    Do you mean the doctors that list ALL deaths as Covid because it brings more MONEY?


    1. $112.000 in Florida
      $12.000 in Ny.

  28. Also we have to stop using the reasoning that the seasonal flu causes more deaths a year. First off the CDC doesn't keep track of seasonal flu deaths and that is why there is only a range. They estimate based on increase of deaths during the flu season.
    Also keep in mind there are several flu strains circulating in a season and not any one is killing more then approx 5000 in the country a year so we can not deny Covid 19 is killing more people and a lot more.
    The question is are the shut down orders at this point in time still reasonable? I say with my highly educated opinion No.

  29. Its your elect...i mean, WAR to lose....

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  31. Please check out the Marina Deck. Doing a band and setting up picnic tables in parking lot today at 5 pm. Sound familiar?

  32. If you want to be free then stop asking for permission.

  33. 6:16 I too spoke with several doctors and other medical staff at Hopkins and other Western Shore Hospitals. What stands out is what one told me. To see 16 patients a shift is high but some days they were seeing nearing 40 in some ER's.. Not all Covid 19 patients but many were. Just think though because of the number of Covid patients PPE had to be changed between patients. Even moving quickly that takes about 5 minutes.


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