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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Chinese CBS Reporter Drops Face Mask, SCREAMS at Trump for Telling Her to ‘Ask China’ About the Coronavirus

Doubtlessly implying some kind of racist motive, Weijia Jiang dropped her face mask and screamed at President Trump this afternoon in the White House Rose Garden, forcing an early ending to the press event.

Towards the end of the presser – the first in a week – President Trump called on CBS’s Weijia Jiang who asked the President why he was treating coronavirus testing as a competition between countries.

The President had never implied it was a competition, but had repeatedly put the U.S.’s number one in testing status into context with other countries.

Nevertheless, Jiang – the same reporter who alleged a White House staffer used the phrase “Kung Flu” but quickly went silent when she was asked to reveal who – attempted to excoriate him and the White House Task Force for daring to place the U.S. at #1.

“Why is this a global competition to you when Americans are losing their lives every day?” asked Jiang.

POTUS rebuked her: “Maybe that’s a question you should ask China,” he began to reply.

“Why are you saying that to me, specifically?” she cried, to which the President responded: “I’m saying it to anybody who would ask a nasty question like that.”

At that moment the President tries to move on, only to be told by CNN’s Kaitlin Collins that she too was waiting for Trump to answer to Jiang’s outburst.

At this point Jiang dropped her face mask and began shouting across the lawn in the President’s direction.

More here


  1. Sounds and looks like CBS needs to make a roster change.

  2. China is responsible for the virus.. reporter just trying to intrap the president...he’s done a great job, just shut up liberal hacks

  3. Jiang was trying to provoke an argument - and it was obvious. The ongoing "gotcha" questions say more about those asking and the "news" (so-called) operations they represent. Trump would have said "ask China" to anyone - and has said similar things many times.

    i'm not sure if the "gotcha" press realize just how much they are alienating those who hear them. They are not respected.

    While I don't agree with some of Trump's over the top remarks, this one was not out of line at all. This is on the classless reporter.

    1. I’ve never heard my President have any over the top remarks. He merely treats people the way they treat him. Trump 20/20

  4. Have the pressers, but get rid of the lame stream reporters!

  5. I have actually watched her on TV - you can tell that she is a Trump-hating Fake Journalist!

  6. I watched that live on TV yesterday and she asked a loaded hate question. Trump shut her stupid ass down!

  7. Why is a junior "journalist" like Jiang even at these press conferences? Is it because she looks Chinese?

    1. You can bet your sweet arse she's being used as a bit of a prop; such nonsense

  8. Jiang got what she asked for. Why is it ok to ask rude questions to the President of the United States? Our President deals with this on a regular basis and he shouldn't have to.I am so sick of the liberals and Democrates thinking it's ok to be mean and ugly to my President.

  9. How she ever made it out of Salisbury is the real question Trump should throw at her!

    1. Please don’t tell me she is from Salisbury. WiHi?

  10. She needs to trot her butt back to china . The last thing this country needs are another country's reject malcontents. She's been here long enough to have proved she offers no positive benefit to society and never will

  11. 1239 you are the same people who characterized the quintessential softball "get to know you" question for a candidate ("what books do you read") to Sarah Palin as "gotcha" journalism. Sit down clown.

    1. BS, I dont mind him being asked questions, what I mind is the total disrespect they show to a President, Our President, the biotch would have NEVER spoken to Obummer that way, and neither would any of the other mockingbird media idiots. Thank you, I am 12:39, so bug off.

  12. my granddaddy always said when you throw a rock into a pig pen the one that squeals the loudest is the one that got hit!

  13. Considering the population of the United States, we do not test a large percentage. Focusing on the number tested and bragging on large banners that we test more people than any other nation is deceptive. Bragging that any citizen who wants a test can get one is just lying. All of us know thats a lie. It's odd that so many folks are more upset about how a reporter questions the lack of truth than they are about a leader who can't tell the truth.

    1. If you have any symptoms you will be tested. If you don’t have any symptoms you don’t need to be tested. Get it?

    2. 519 thank you doofus for showing exactly how ignorant you people commenting here are. You have no clue what is going on.

    3. 5:46 Enlighten us. Please explain to us people why we are ignorant. Maybe even explain your “doofus” terminology. We will refrain from calling you what you are and wait for you to educate us. Thank you turd ( sorry I lied)

  14. If the virus had originated in say, England, and an European American reporter asked the same question she did, do you think the European American reporter would have reacted by saying "why are you saying that to me, specifically?"

    She is either lacking in self-confidence, thin skinned. Let her go back to reporting on traffic accidents Baltimore.

    1. This “lady” lol is so disrespectful it make her just ugly to look at. I’m a elderly guy and absolutely can not stand to look at the dude that held us hostage during the last administration. There is no way I would speak to him that way. I wouldn’t even speak to him if I disliked him as this kid does our President.

  15. Instead of Jiang worrying about whether the President was being pointed (he wasn't!), maybe she should ask if the news organization she works for is USING HER at these press conferences since she is Asian.

    It is appalling that the media thinks the public is so stupid that we can't see through their pathetic attempts at manipulation.

  16. Isn't Jiang of Korean descent?

  17. I'm so sick of these reporters who ask questions, not for an answer, but to start an argument.They are just showing how rude and unprofessional they are.

  18. "Isn't Jiang of Korean descent?"

    No, she is of WBOC descent. That's far worse.

  19. 4:28pm Born in China, raised since age of 2 in West Virginia.

    1. Must be the nastiest person that ever rolled out of WV.

  20. She was an ignorant person when she worked for WBOC, glad she is gone.
    Trump would have given the same answer to anyone who asked that question. She is a trouble maker no matter where she goes. She thinks the world owes her something. Go back to where you came from and I don't mean Salisbury.

  21. Smack down!!!!!! She deserved it!

  22. He should have had her thrown out and barred her from any further press conferences.

  23. If you have symptoms and a doctor's order, you can get a test. The President needs to say that. Saying that anyone who wants a test can get it is just lying.

    1. Actually I heard recently that anyone can be tested - CDC is looking for antibodies. Everyone seems confused - President is not lying. You should know the difference 😝

  24. I say Trump should stop reporters from coming to these things and just take questions from us we the people. They don't ask what we want to know so why are they there? (map)


  25. Schools in Key West would be closed for a snow day before she got to ask a question again if I ran the zoo!

    OTOH, the Prez may have wanted her smart ass, angry self on-the-record for later on down the road.

    The notion that all 330 million of us need the testing, or could get it the same week, is juvenile. Plus it's essentially a brand new item and is just ramping up production.


  26. Didn't she use to work at WBOC? I know she recently worked at WJZ in Baltimore. After a brief pause, enough time for her to think of her witty response, she asked Trump why he directed the question to her. Hello dimwit, maybe because it was you that asked him a question and he was responding to your question with a question. Everyone can see what she was trying to do. Because she is of Asian descent, she wanted to make Trump's question of "Why don't you ask China" appear as if it was racist. Sad. It didn't take her long to learn the ways of the unscrupulous journalists.

  27. Come on.

    She "SCREAMED"? Anyone, who watched it live, or after the fact knows this is patently false and paints a distorted picture of the facts.

    This is purposeful reshaping of the event to shift the focus away from Trumps horrible mishandling of a simple question, then his tantrum and retreat.

    Go ahead and watch the video. It's all the evidence you need to see... it's right there in the link.

    1. The good president handled it perfectly. He is my president and hers too if she happens to be a USA citizen. If she is maybe flush her out to another country where she would feel better and not Be offended. Little disrespectful nasty hoe.

    2. my link showed she did as written please send me your link

  28. Trump can dish it out but cannot take it

    1. He shouldn’t take it. That’s why he dishes it out and why most of us love and respect him as POTUS. Unlike that cat he ran out of our White House. Talk about dish, that yo-yo was a dog.

    2. Bwahaha this is exactly why you clowns get disrespected. Obama served 8 years (2 terms). How exactly did he get "ran out"? Lol

    3. The media and Democrats dish it out to Trump everyday - no break - and you accuse him of not being able to take it. My God, please wake up and join this world.

  29. Her attempt to embarrass or set up Trump DID NOT work !!!!
    She's a Democrat Plant !!! Should be barred from the press room !!!

  30. Hope she has been banned!!

  31. Anonymous said...
    Bwahaha this is exactly why you clowns get disrespected. Obama served 8 years (2 terms). How exactly did he get "ran out"? Lol

    May 13, 2020 at 12:59 PM

    What are you talking about???

  32. Saw it go down > it was so Obvious she planned the whole thing !!!

  33. Send her Back !!! LOL


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