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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Michigan barber, 77, vows to keep shop open despite violating orders

An elderly barber in Michigan has vowed to keep his doors open despite being ticketed by police for violating shutdown orders issued in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Dramatic pictures show cops arriving at 77-year-old Karl Manke's barbershop in Ossowo on Wednesday, where they handed him the citation in front of a crowd of customers waiting for a haircut.

Manke now faces a $1,000 fine and possible license sanctions, but the defiant barber says he will continue to cut hair.

'I'm not going to close up unless they handcuff and carry me out of here,' he told The Associated Press.



  1. Good for you, sir, and thank you for serving your community!

    1. He cuts people’s hair.

      He isn’t serving any communities.
      For Pete’s sake. What is wrong with you?

  2. Up until a video and pictures are sent in to le.

  3. 9:49 sad we have so many facist Sympathizers. Seperation! a core luciferian principle..
    i prefer our GOD given rights

  4. What a idiot, retire!


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