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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Bill Bennett states there's 'an almost 50 percent chance' Biden won't be Democratic nominee

Former Education Secretary and current Fox News contributor Bill Bennett told "Special Report" Wednesday that he believes there is "an almost 50 percent chance" that former Vice President Joe Biden will not lead the Democratic ticket in November's election.

"I don't think it's a done deal," Bennett said. " ... He's [Biden's] in the basement, he's not performing very well; maybe he's better off there than going out and making these flubs he's been making -- but the election is still six, eight months away."

Biden, 77, has been forced to campaign from his Delaware home due to the coronavirus pandemic in deference to Gov. John Carney's stay-at-home order.

"[In November] he'll be older, and I think there's trouble on this Tara Reade thing," Bennett added, noting that the onetime Senate staffer who has accused Biden of sexual assault is working with Pulitzer Prize winner Ronan Farrow on an article for the New Yorker magazine.



  1. And there's probably 100% chance that Hillary will be right there.

  2. Can anyone tell me if grandpa joe won his Senate race ? I lost track during all this... somewhere Cornpop is shaking his head c'mon man !!!

  3. Hillary and Obama are scheming.

    1. You are so naive.
      Did you mean: Hillary’s bosses (campaign financiers)?

      Did you mean: Barry’s bosses (campaign financiers)?

    2. No he meant Obama and Hillary. You don't think for a second that Obama has given up the chance of a third term by proxity. I believe it will be Michelle. She won't have to lift a finger. Her first husband will run the show. God, I hope I am totally wrong.

  4. and elizabeth warren will be right there waiting in the wings.

  5. Every election its something else.

    The road to the 1st Tues in Nov will be fun - thats for sure!

  6. 5:51

    Grandpa Joe won the race in 1918

  7. I'm not so sure.

    Biden, is the perfect candidate to run against Trump. Trumps playbook is to bully, and criticize. However... all the things he is gonna fling at Biden, Trump will be guilty of at a much larger scale. I mean, he can't come after him on nepotism, or sexual assault claims, or racist accusations, or speech patterns...if Trump points any of these things out it will bite him right back but worse.

    It forces Trump to stick to the issues which he will want avoid like the plague. He can't run on the economy, which was all ready moving into recession before this virus.

    Biden is a good pick to run against Trump. I'm not saying I like him in any way, don't get that confused. I'm simply making an observation.

    It's actually a pretty shrewd move on the Democrats part.

    1. Very true on all accounts. The only other thing I would add is, I believe they want him in there to win so the VP could become President if he is declared incompetent.

  8. Hillary will lock the basement door. Watch for it.

  9. Biden has the full support of the nations registered sex offenders.

  10. @ May 8, 2020 at 10:44 AM

    It think that you are very right about that.... I wouldn't be surprised in the LEAST if Biden picks a black woman... it would fit right into the playbook.

  11. 9:10. Wow - a true Democrat. Trump is the best President we have had in a long time. I don't think you know the definition of a bully. Just because Trump makes fun of a politician does not make him a bully. The media bullies Trump everyday. Ugly comments by Pelsoi and others about Trump is a clear definition of a bully. Nancy ripping up Trump's State of the Union speech on National TV is an extreme bully. You must receive
    welfare and only votes Democrat so that your food stamps and check come each month. You probably don't pay for health coverage either. You probably don't get out of bed until noon. Your are a Trump hater because you are insecure.


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