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Saturday, May 23, 2020

McConnell slams House for taking 'paid leave' in May

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell slammed House Democrats on Thursday for taking “paid leave” during the coronavirus.

“While essential workers across the country continue to clock in, the Democratic House of Representatives has essentially put itself on paid leave for months,” Mr. McConnell, Kentucky Republican, said on the Senate floor. “I understand they’ve convened for legislative session a grand total of two days — two — in the last eight weeks.”

“At this point, I’m wondering if we should send senators over there to collect their newspapers and water the plants,” he added.



  1. House members know that a vaccine has been developed & should have been in wide distribution for over a month.I think they're protesting the fact that they are powerless to get that vaccine to the masses.The well being of the entire world is being negotiated by a very few who are seeking the most profitable outcome.


  2. "House members know that a vaccine has been developed & should have been in wide distribution for over a month.I think they're protesting the fact that they are powerless to get that vaccine to the masses.."

    Total BS.

    NO vaccine would be ready AND SAFE at this point without being tested. There are many horror stories among veterans who were guinea pigs for unproven vaccines.

    The CDC can't even make up their minds about the spread on surfaces and the use of masks-- and you want to just grab some vaccine?

    There is a tremendous incentive to get a good, tested, proven vaccine out on the market and companies are working 24/7 to do just that.

    They will vaccinate when it is safe and effective.

    You wouldn't happen to be a Russian bot, would you? Trying to stir something up?

    1. They won't be vaccinating me 12:00

  3. Paid leave, what is he surprised or something? That crowd steals something everyday, on or off the clock.

  4. McConnell is full of crap. He bailed out of town before getting a bill passed to help people who are broke and need another $1200 check. Which is about 30 million people.
    Will be remembered in November.

  5. Pelosi got at least a face lift and more elective medical procedures. Just look at her. Pelosi's cheeks like a balloon ready to pop and worst than a BABOONS A$$".

  6. Glad he did bail out on the new bill. They haven't even gotten the money out from the first two bills yet. How do we know we need another bill yet. Besides which he should have bailed on that bill. Nancy's wish list included everything from tax payer funded abortion, to money for "illegal aliens" to mail-in-voting for the Presidential election, to 25,000,000,000 to the post office so they can mail all of those ballots and maybe lose a few from the republican areas. She also included a couple of billion for the "arts" and allowed banks to take money for marijuana. It included everything but the kitchen sink and any help for regular people. Good job Mitch.

  7. McConnell AGAIN doesn't like it. But does NOTHING about it.


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