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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Horowitz: 67K criminals released so far under coronavirus jailbreak. And crime keeps rising

Is this the country for which our soldiers sacrificed their lives?

By now, most Americans are familiar with the shocking stories of everyday Americans getting arrestedfor simply opening businesses that don’t even attract large crowds. However, fewer are aware of the other side of this dystopian and tyrannical equation. As salt-of-the-earth small business owners are being marched into the jails, career dangerous criminals are being marched out of the jails and prisons in astounding numbers.

According to UCLA, which is tracking this data, 67,000 criminals have been released throughout the 50 states. The majority of the criminals, 43,000 of them, have been released from the nation’s jails, and 24,356 were released from prisons.

Consequently, given that we know the shocking degree of recidivism even among criminals more carefully selected for release, we can add victims of crime due to coronavirus jailbreak as the latest long-term death toll from COVID-19, or at least from the governmental reaction to it.



  1. So will these criminal thugs be rounded back up and brought back to jail when this is over>

  2. We knew all along it's been a "black thing."

  3. Let out while serving a full sentence, without sponsors, without housing, without jobs, what was the expectation?

  4. This is satan’s system. Once you accept this fact, this kind of thing isn’t so surprising.

  5. They are all headed toward Wash DC and the surrounding Maryland counties where they will be happily assimilated as part of the liberal shadow government bureaucracy. These thugs are perceived by the left (are part of the left) as the saving grace of government thuggery. THIS is why the left despises President Trump so much. He is driving a stake through their collective heart. Oh that's right, the liberal left doesn't have a heart, but they sure have a giant sphincter where a great big stake of thorns could be easily driven. The problem is--these freaks of nature would probably enjoy it and want more. But let's keep arresting the people who want to earn their living and putting them in jail for doing so. Now that the rapists and murderers have been let out, there should be plenty of room for those of you who defied a politicians orders and tried to feed your family. Unless you are willing to kiss the ass of the governor/politician tyrants (hogans ass-kissing will take many days to finish) who have finally revealed their true desires, you are in their crosshairs. Does Hogass-Hogan, Whitmer, Wolf, Murphy, Fredo Andrew Cuomo, among numerous others ring a bell. Bow down to all these wannabe tyrants--- they will now be after you too. They already know who and where you are. Wake up people. This is our government who WE elected. Pretty scary isn't it??????


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