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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Maybe After Watching This People Can Understand What Us Bar/Restaurant Owners Are Going Through



  2. A really sad story and whenever the government gets involved in anything you can kiss your ass good bye!!!! I went down that road when in the Food Court at the new Salisbury Mall. The rent and cam charges were $6,700.00 per month. When the shooting occurred there was no evening business. When I approached Macrich about getting help it was an unequivocal no. When offered 6 months rent, cash, was turned down so it was 1 year or nothing. I know how this person feels and it is sad. Government or Landlords either one can be a tough road.SAD!!!!

  3. The Fifth Amendment says "... nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

    Your property was closed for the alleged public good. You need to seek judicial redress for your "just compensation."

  4. Let me tell you something sweetheart, many of us have poured our heart and soul into our jobs only to be shit on by people in power who think they know more about our business than you do. It happened to me. I lost a job that I loved and was proud of the work I did. Within a few years, the fool who the Board replaced me ruined the business and walked out leaving the stupid Board wondering what happened. The business that I poured my life into won’t last through this time either do, I feel your pain. You are not alone.

  5. Wish we could see what kind of home and vehicles she owns.....after 30 years should have built up a nice treasure chest of savings!!! It’s tough but think out of the box....carry out, delivery service and curb service owner has to get creative! There are numerous ways for restaurants to do business...especially if they had a good reputation to begin with. Everyone is undergoing some type of trial due to this pandemic......I’m not a smart ass just rational.

    1. I feel for her and her family as well. But I often think the same thing. For all the years money was made, vacations, taken, cars bought, luxury goods, People don't share those videos. While we were just paying the bills, our vacation consisting of driving down to stinky beach and casting a line. We all struggle, I hope they had enough money saved to get through these times.

  6. I was empathetic until she said her freedom of speech had been silenced. I think this video pretty much says that’s not true. And what a shame that after 31 years of running a successful business she still has so much debt that she has to declare bankruptcy.

    1. Hopefully it is just business bankruptcy and not personal as well. I would assume they have money saved.

  7. You are the face of all the mom and pop businesses that we are losing every day. My heart breaks for you all every time I hear of yet another because of this Twilight Zone existence. I pray you will land on your feet, and eventually are able to put your sincerity and obvious passion to good use. I live in Tennessee, but wish I got to see White Pines. Know there are some people out in the world who do care and understand. Thank you for putting yourself out there. Sincerely, Rose Sarcona

    1. That is the sad part. The Mom and Pop business that will be forced to close. They will never see bailout money, Grant's and loans. That is saved for the large companies and people with money already.

  8. Time to lawyer up against these Governors. We have to live with risk every day.

    1. Name 5 attorneys that handle this and are willing to take on governors and endless staff attorneys? I’m serious!!

  9. Lady will break your heart listening to her story. I think the blame should start with China .

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. The rise in Democratic RULERS is to blame. This goes from Congress to your local Sheriff's office. The downside is that the citizens simply do not know what to look for in a candidate other than white is bad, jail record is good.

  12. I hear these stories and read these stories but I hear nothing about lawsuits. Everybody wants everybody else to stand up and fight for them but they don't want to be seen bucking the government / system. SHAME they can ban together for a lawyer and the expense is not as great. Shame al wants to complain but none wants to stand up for the US Constitution.

  13. 3:31 did you even bother to watch the video? Obviously not. She's in the middle of a state park. It's a resort not just a restaurant. The restaurant isn't just the food. like many is also the experience of dining, in what is here a massive 1930's log lodge. You don't think rationally because It's not rational to even think curbside or delivery would work much less suggest it.

  14. " Anonymous said...
    I was empathetic until she said her freedom of speech had been silenced. I think this video pretty much says that’s not true. And what a shame that after 31 years of running a successful business she still has so much debt that she has to declare bankruptcy.

    May 16, 2020 at 3:40 PM"

    Just because of this video doesn't' mean her freedom of speech wasn't' stopped elsewhere. Use your head. She may have money in an investment account to use for her own retirement but what is she supposed to do spend that become a peon over what is a lost cause? You aren't too bright are you? And you obviously aren't a business person so you have no business even making the last comment you did. Last thing anyone needs is comments from clueless wonders. Successful businesses don not have much cash on hand This because to remain successful you have to keep on putting back into the business. If you don't make constant improvements and keep up with trends you won't succeed. All that takes money.

    1. True, but I will also add that a smart business person knows what they need to live. They make sure to keep that money aside, while still investing into the company. It is the robbing from Peter to pay Paul expression. You must always keep money aside with ANYTHING you do. Don't spend yourself dry. Don't take that expensive vacation or buy that car you do not need. Your business is number one.

  15. 3:31 Cleary, clearly you have never owned a business. Ok, you risk your life’s savings, work 60 plus hours a week for 30% of your salary and then you can put your two cents in.

  16. All leaders in government, both Democrat and Republican have miserably failed American citizens. The United States was ill prepared.

  17. Joe
    Post comments on your Business sign and face it on Rt 50.

  18. A business may be thriving now but by the end of the year might be struggling.

  19. 4:36 hope you never operated a business....you probably did and it went belly up! 30% of your salary......you don’t know a thing about overhead cost, product cost and profits! No wonder you are complaining!

  20. I truly feel for this woman and the countless others in the same boat. I see her video going viral,with an outpouring of financial support from viewers.

  21. Why did she spend those Bride's deposits ? That't now how a event deposit works.

  22. I agree with those that have said after 30 years she can’t weather a storm tells me she’s either a very poor business person or has drained the business dry for years, what happened to planning for a rainy day?

  23. 8:24, she probably had to order food, drink, chairs, canopies and plenty of other things in advance so everything would be on site for the event. These things all would require her to put deposit money down.


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