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Sunday, May 17, 2020

I'll Wait...


  1. Doesn’t take but a second! It’s about reducing risk! Less business’ open more people wearing masks less risk

    1. 8:21
      Less risk of what?

      That is the question. Plenty of people die in car wrecks but I insist on driving my car. Do you still drive a car?

    2. 8:21
      Less risk of what?

      That is the question. Plenty of people die in car wrecks but I insist on driving my car. Do you still drive a car?

    3. What is the risk and where’s the data to support it?

    4. You drive your car, but you also where your seatbelt. Same principal. It is about minimizing risk.

  2. You are obviously a woman 8:21.

    Such DROMMA......

    1. Actually @8:21 this is your Mother. Now get back inside and let the adults talk.

  3. Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.

    1. So locking your doors fails under the same umbrella? Putting money in your wallet instead of just your pocket. I was asked to wear a mask. For the time being, wear the mask. Pick your battles.

    2. Clearly you don't understand liberty 1006. Locking my doors doesn't restrict my liberty. Neither does putting money in my wallet. Telling businesses they can't open does.

    3. Locking one's doors does not impact their liberty, as they have the keys and they have made a conscious decision of their own free will to do so. Money in a wallet is not changing one's liberty - it is simply a tool for organization. These examples do not bolster your argument.

    4. His argument is actually pretty sound. Choice has not been taken. Wear the mask, or stay home. Your choice.

    5. 259, the argument was regarding the ability of stores to open. If you truly believe in choice, you'd allow them to open and permit people to choose to go or stay home.

    6. Chosing whether or not to lock your doors is the same as the government shutting down a business, 2:59? What planet are you from???

  4. 8:21 If you don't get in a vehicle there is less "risk" about getting killed in one. There are risks to many things. In science a risk is not good enough. We must rely on data and facts. The fact is backed up by data that the risk for almost all people UNLESS in certain sub groups is next to nothing of contracting this virus.
    Look to the Wisconsin election awhile ago where all the alarmists were saying because the election was held normally the numbers in Wisconsin were going to blow off the charts. Didn't happen. Not only did the numbers not rise there was no contact tracing which led to the polls as being a sourse of an outbreak. Just like there hasn't been any in any stores that have been open even before wearing one became mandatory.

    1. Just wear the darn Mask! But, that ain't FREEDOM.

    2. Everybody in Florida died because the nyc people went there a month ago and spread the virus.

  5. 8:21

    It doesn't take but a second. This is all nonsense that only sheep believe.

    We have shut down the whole country for s TYPICAL flu season.....period!

    1. Please, go to the hospital and talk to a nurse. More specifically an area around the emergency unit. Ask them their unbiased opinion about if this is a regular flu? Before you rush to you hypotheticals and assumptions because you feel that people are sheep, go ask them. Not something you've heard from your neighbors or on tv, an actual medical professional.

  6. Stop it already...how much risk does it reduce???!!! MANY DOCS SAY THESE MASKS ARE NOT GOOD AND REDUCES RISK VERY LITTLE...1-3%...

    1. The U.S. Surgeon General says the same thing

  7. 8:21. Wrong. You don’t destroy the economy because of a risk of catching a virus. Unless you’re wearing a fitted N95 mask the virus particles will get through. The virus can pass through and around the other masks. A small amount of the population has the N95.

  8. Hey kids, let's not forget, JUST in 2020 alone, the CDC/AMA are estimating 606,000 DEATHS FROM CANCER!...That's just ONE year! Ain't nobody FLIPPING OUT over that! Oh...."that's different, dont change the narritive"...What's different...DEATH IS DEATH let's just try to keep things in perspective! "Fear wont stop death, Fear only stops life"....If you're afraid, stay ho.e, wear a mask, if not, then DONT!

  9. The best any researcher been able to do on this topic is masks *may* have the potential to keep people with Covid from unknowingly passing it along. There was a study out of S Korea published recently. People with Covid coughed with and without a variety of masks in a petri dish. No mask meaningfully decreased the viral load coughed onto the dish.

  10. TRUE STORY....yesterday I'm at the gas station NOT wearing a mask. The guy at the next pump was wearing a mask. I say "Hi", he looks at me kinda blankly. Ok, no worries. Then while his pump is still pumping he goes inside the store for 3-4 min. I'm almost done, and he comes out, hangs the pump us, and asks me (kinda calmly)"Why dont I wear a mask ", I said, I just choose not to. He then says, "You know that puts OTHERS at risk"....So, I'm thinking, what the F%#k...and I ask him WHY he left a gas pump running UNATTENDED, and he says had to use the bathroom, so I told him "DO YA KNOW HOW MANY LIVES (including mine) HE PUT AT RISK LEAVING A GAS PUMP UNATTENDED"...He then said some pissy statement and left...This is the WHACKED mindset of many of the folks on the mask issue! If THEY deem something is dangerous, their right your wrong, end of story....UNTIL yiu point out things they do...then its an attitude. Smart remark, and they run away!

  11. Speaking of N95...wonder how that 3M stock is doing now?


    1. Why don't you just check yourself, instead of asking on here where know body else gives a damn about 3M stock?

  12. Just another whiney Karen.


  14. 10:42 I sure hope this man sanitized the handle after putting it back on the pump. He was risking way more others by not doing that then your zero risk action.

    1. Ha ha... so true!!

  15. I for one like wearing my Gov. Northam KKK mask. I now can go to the meetings and wear my whole outfit without worrying I will be called out.

    Eastern-shore racist

  16. No need to wait. Science is clear on this issue. They help reduce the projection of respiratory droplets. No, they're not completely effective but say if some one coughs the cough doesn't go as far. There for reducing the chances of coming in contact with the virus. Personally I wouldn't care if it were voluntary as opposed to mandatory. I'd be wearing one to reduce my chance of getting the virus.

    1. So how long will you be wearing that mask 12:19? Flu season will be back in a few months, and it kills just as many yearly.

  17. Personally, I have purchased several different masks....I can't breathe in any of them!....I'll just stay home rather than go through all that. Taking walks in the country are healthier for right now.

  18. I will be free
    I will choose to not wear a mask
    You may choose to stay away from me so my droplets won't infect you

    Everybody is happy

    thank you

  19. Cancer and car accidents aren't contagious. Viruses are.

  20. 8:21 here! Your welcome for all the comments lol

  21. "Anonymous said...
    No need to wait. Science is clear on this issue. They help reduce the projection of respiratory droplets. No, they're not completely effective but say if some one coughs the cough doesn't go as far. There for reducing the chances of coming in contact with the virus. Personally I wouldn't care if it were voluntary as opposed to mandatory. I'd be wearing one to reduce my chance of getting the virus.

    May 16, 2020 at 12:19 PM"

    Actually the science shows the opposite. They have no effect or very minimal on coughing (or sneezing) because of the force. They will contain some of the virus particles some infected do emit while talking though.

  22. "Anonymous said...
    Personally, I have purchased several different masks....I can't breathe in any of them!....I'll just stay home rather than go through all that. Taking walks in the country are healthier for right now.

    May 16, 2020 at 2:21 PM"

    Have you tried a duckbill mask? They can be easier to breathe in. Anyone who wears glasses and fogging is an issue duckbills will help with that too.

    Also how ever much you think you can't breathe do not breathe though your mouth. As soon as you mouth breathe you will get hotter and struggle to breathe even more. Try to remain calm and breathe normally.

    With N95's and other masks with a nosepiece make sure it's not too low. It will pinch your nasal passages closed. The metal strip should run right under your eyes.

    If all this fails then try this insider tip but it only works with a mask that ties. Loosen the lower tie ever so slightly so you make a little air tunnel along the underside of your chin. Don't make it so loose though that it looks like you don't know how to tie a mask.

    1. Air tunnel will surely let unfiltered air both in and out? Why even wear it, to stay out of jail?

  23. I would like to add something else about tie masks. I recommend them for the mandatory mask order and for employers to have employees use. You can pre tie and they will hang comfortably around your neck. You don't want to be wearing a mask for hours at a time but you don't want to be taking a mask on and off, setting it down, putting it in your bag or pocket then putting it on again. When it's on your neck you can raise and lower it using just the ties. You never want to touch the face covering part with your hands or have anything else touch it like if you set it down on a surface.. When you are done for the day if it's disposable throw it away fabric give it a good washing.


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