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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Macy’s to Reopen 68 Stores; Plans for All 775 in Next Six Weeks

The Macy’s company will re-open 68 stores Monday in states that have loosened coronavirus lockdown measures, the department store operator announced Thursday.

“Cincinnati, Ohio-based Macy’s, the largest U.S. department store operator by sales, said it expects to have all of its roughly 775 stores re-opened in six weeks, if infection rates taper off as projected and state and local governments allow it,” according to Reuters.

About 50 more stores were scheduled to re-open on May 11, the report noted.

Major changes were made inside the company’s stores during the shutdown to relieve those worried about the virus.


[JCPenney has struggled through this too, and is offering very nice online discounts. We need to help preserve the 'department store' shopping option. --Editor]


  1. The company is famous and well loved.
    It has an intriguing history especially around the time leading up to the War against Germany.

  2. Why are they opening. No one has been paid for weeks and weeks and Macy's thinks we are all going to rush over to buy overpriced clothes and out-of-date merchandize? Yeahhhhh. Righttttt.

  3. Damn forgot about JC Penney.....thanks for the tip! Always here to help us Joe. Very Much Appreciated!!!!

  4. 6:38

    You obviously haven't had the opportunity to meet my shopaholic X.

    MONEY has nothing to do with it - credit cards rule.

    After being locked up for weeks believe me, those stores will be packed!

  5. Just think of trying on clothing that someone wiped their nose on or coughed into it.

    1. Oh, you mean just like Wal-Mart ? Time to even out the playing field. If Wal-Mart can sell it, all the other stores that sell simular products should be able to reopen.

  6. Once box stores re-open there should be lots of sales. Sad no one will really have $$$$ for sales.

    Lose Lose for all EXCEPT the 1%

    1. What are you talking 10:37? $1000 a week unemployment, lots of money floating around.

  7. Sales? I doubt it. They will be trying to make up for lost time and money.

    1. Yes lots of sales, gotta make room for summer apparel. Retailers have no place to store a season's worth of merchandise. This coming fall and winter will bring different fashions anyway.


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