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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Leave It To CNN...


  1. I’m a senior citizen and my comment to this article is “SO WHAT”. Even if it is true, this is a catch 22. People are going to die no matter what is done. Leaving businesses closed could lead to a decade of hardship and increased deaths.

  2. This is exactly why you know the numbers are lies. CNN has zero credibility. We won’t know what the true numbers are until we can compare total deaths for 2020 against 2019. Its looking right now like the numbers aren’t all that much different.


  3. CNN viewership will drop by anywhere from 15 to 25 people if the model proves correct.

  4. I've seen that place before.

  5. The CDC and many doctors admitted they are inflating the numbers massively

    1. 7:41
      That kind of remark is NOT welcome here.
      If a sheep gets out of the pen, we will all cry and scream until the wolf comes . . .

    2. Who are you 8:47 to tell someone their remark is not welcome here?I welcome 7:41's remark and believe it to be truthful

  6. CNN trying to make news? That's an oxymoron.

  7. It's just simple math.

    Right now total cases is 1,385,893, (with 81,796 dead... thats about a 6% death rate) and the total population is 328.2 million. So only 4% of Americans have tested positive.

    We know testing has been a problem, so lets TRIPLE that number to 12% of America has been infected (4,157,679 infected would mean a 2% death rate). We know that heard immunity is when we get to 60% infected. So that would be 196.92 million. With speculating that the number of infected is three time higher due to limited testing... to get to heard immunity of 60% minus those infected would leave 188,762,321 Americans that still need to be infected.

    At the death rate of 2%.. this means that another 3,775,246 Americans will die.

    Don't think I'm close? Lets say testing is so bad the actual number tested is ten times higher. That means 179,061,070 still need to be infected and the death rate would be about half a .06%. This would still be another 1,074,366 Americans that will die.

    I don't care how you slice up the numbers. Barely any of us have been infected... and there is a lot of death on the horizon.

    Don't be so eager to open up.

    1. 8:03 - That's some fancy math there, but I don't buy it. You can make your own results by mixing numbers. Just because people haven't been tested doesn't mean they haven't been exposed and didn't get sick or die. You're assuming way too much with your 4%, 12%, 60%, and 10 x higher numbers. Those numbers are bogus and pure speculation.

  8. 803 - math is crystal clear.

    Aside from people die all the time - if something like this pans out the TV coverage it would get and the panic...

    Gosh I hope it doesn't happen.

  9. Nobody knows. So then what if they're right?

  10. 8:03 FYI Testing has not ever been a problem Everyone who needed a test was given one. Also the testing numbers aren't helpful in what you are attempting to calculate. Antibody testing and hospitalizations give the most accurate way to predict future deaths and infection rates.

  11. 6:12 spot on...as a Senior this must stop...we have more intelligence and common sense than most and it's time to open up now!!! too many have gone down the fear porn road and it's not good for anyone. the numbers have been inflated and fudged and most of us realized this. DEMS/deep state wanted this issue to tank our economy to defeat POTUS and bring in the New World Order. WAKE UP NOW!!!

    1. And the dems are getting sick and dying too ;)

  12. Cases will increase. Deaths don’t have to. Those most at risk can continue to sequester.

  13. Testing for Coronavirus hasn't been an issue anywhere. From a medical treatment standpoint it has only a little value. From a research standpoint it is highly valuable.
    There is a small percentage of those with Covid 19 who will test negative with multiple tests. This because the test isn't picking up the virus. Could be low viral load or test wasn't administered properly. A negative test doesn't prevent doctors from treating the illness as Covid 19 when the clinical signs presented point to Covid 19 and others tests rule out influenza and other viruses. Also Coronaviruses attack the lower respiratory tract. At this point in time this is the only infection circulating that attacks in the lower respiratory tract.

  14. @ May 12, 2020 at 10:28 AM

    The numbers were increased and padded to quell the nay sayers. If you use simply the reported numbers... it's a 6% death rate.

    To pretend that testing has never been an issue is flat out FALSE, verifiably and demonstrably false. It can easily be assumed that the number of people infected is higher than what has been positively reported. The speculative numbers are from this... and at all of the percentages shown, the death rate is still stunning.

    To get herd immunity you need about 60% of the population to be effective.

    Look, I get it there are NO good answers here at all. I hope that these numbers are wildly wrong and wildly high. People are scared, I understand.

    The only part of the numbers is speculation on how many more people may have all ready been infected and not known it... which drives the death rate down. The point of the numbers is to put this all into perspective.

  15. Ocean City will try very hard to do their part to add to this number!

  16. @ May 12, 2020 at 11:00 AM

    It was an actual issue in THIS AREA, what are you even banging on about?! You couldn't be tested on the shore unless you had all the symptoms in severity or you would be sent away, and this was because there were not enough tests!

    It takes no time at all to fact check the testing shortage. Are you simply parroting bad information, or have you actually fact checked your assertion.

    Here is a DIRECT QUOTE from MIKE PENCE... that guy heading up the virus task force:

    "We don't have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward," Mr Pence said during a visit to a factory in Minnesota March 4th.

  17. 8:03. Wrong. The MSM is saying 80,000 have died. That doesn’t mean all of those people died from the China virus. The hospitals are listing everyone that died as a covid death so they can get more money. Also, if you were right about how deadly this is then all of the Walmart’s and grocery’s store chains would have unprecedented deaths. They do not. They would have been ground zero for the infected dying with Covid. Up until a few weeks ago they didn’t even require their workers to wear masks and gloves.

  18. 11:41 yes this is a blessing! Many are registered Democrats, more than Republicans, since most Republicans go to doctors and have insurance. Republicans are the more responsible citizens in this country.

  19. Chinese National News.

  20. @ May 12, 2020 at 12:08 PM

    Reference the NVSS numbers, the National Vital Statistics System. The report deaths as they are listed on the death certificate, and only that information.

    If you look at their methodology, they acknowledge their numbers lag 1-1/2 weeks to 2 weeks behind hospital reporting. The numbers the NVSS report today, are corroborated by the reported number by hospitals and the NVSS in that time frame.

    As of yesterday, the NVSS had a complete list reported that went through May 2 of roughly 47,000 death certificates. Exactly a week and a half before that (April 22nd I think) the reporting was at roughly 47,000.

    It's not just the MSM reporting OVER 80,000. It's all credible sources citing over 80,000. There isn't some crazy conspiracy going on.

    Simply apply Occams Razor folks. This is easy. Do some homework and fact checking on your own.

  21. Corporate Communist Network

  22. Can't shutdown America bc of nursing homes being infected we have to LIVE and 🖕 the Dems.

  23. Federal Govt had better step in !!! Send the Nat'l Guard to stop This !!!!

  24. Ocean City has got another thing coming if they think they are having these
    big crowds like last weekend !!!


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