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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

ICU Doctor: What I Wish People Knew About Coronavirus

My father-in-law recently asked me if it is hard to see hospitals and death in film because their depictions are so inaccurate. Yes, it can ruin the realism for me and make me cringe. Then I realized that just watching the news or press conferences these days are giving me the same feeling.

Everyone seems to be talking about intensive care units (ICUs) and COVID-19 patients. As someone who has been dealing with these things every day, I am qualified to share some rarely discussed aspects.

Firstly, ICU doctors look for patterns. We like putting patients into logical categories to help organize our assessments and plans. “This patient is a recurrent urinary tract infection patient, indwelling foley, so likely has a severely high level of antibiotic resistance.” “This is one of those pear-shaped chain smokers with unstable angina who likely has a 99% LAD lesion and hypertriglyceridemia.”

The numbers we see on the screen of a patient’s chart give us tremendous insight into what the expected pattern of behavior a disease process will take in the ICU. With COVID-19, it is like that clichéd scene in the movies where the scientist looks up from the microscope and says, “This doesn’t seem to behave like anything I’ve ever seen before.”



  1. Where are all of the arm chair infectious disease specialists with barely a high school degree that are usually on here? What say you specialists? Open er on up?

    Yup. That sunlight'll kill it. I never seen a virus in the summer. Git r Done.

    1. Have ICE cold beer too with no mask on. Nobody is goin' to tell me what to do or I'll be locked and loaded waiting on Martial Law. All the sheeple keep them eyes open, cause we have insider information it's all made up.

  2. 3:32 AM Open the curtain on the basement window and let some sun in child.

  3. "Anonymous said...
    Where are all of the arm chair infectious disease specialists with barely a high school degree that are usually on here? What say you specialists? Open er on up?

    Yup. That sunlight'll kill it. I never seen a virus in the summer. Git r Done.

    May 12, 2020 at 3:32 AM"

    You are the arm chair infectious disease specialist. Some of us on the other hand get our facts from reliable sources including major medical universities who all are researching the different aspects of this particular virus. The consensus among real science and not pseudoscience is that yes there is a very good chance this virus will slow in the warmer months.

    From the Harvard school of public health "So in summary:
    For the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, we have reason to expect that like other betacoronaviruses, it may transmit somewhat more efficiently in winter than summer, though we don’t know the mechanism(s) responsible."

  4. 3:32 All legitimate Coronavirus researchers in the world are saying positively without any doubts this virus will slow down in the summer. The proof is in the infection rates in countries in the southern hemisphere. This virus is more contagious #1 because it's new so not much immunity to it yet and #2 because it appears to at this point in time remain active on surfaces longer then other Cornaviruses under conditions favorable. Warmer drier weather creates less favorable conditions for a virus and they become inactive quicker. This of course leads to less infections.
    That immunity is not well established yet will continue the spread but in much lower numbers then in the previous months.
    These are the facts and if you deny you are a science denier and a believer in pseudoscience (and what amounts to nothing but opinions like what the linked article offers)

  5. Only way some of our local fools would social distance or wear a mask is if the virus also rotted off their private parts!

  6. Excellent article well worth reading!!


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