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Saturday, May 02, 2020

I'm Sorry, What's Salisbury's Numbers Looking Like On The Shore Mayor Day?


  1. HA!

    Great way to use their inflated BS numbers.

    Dem Governors are murderers!!!!

  2. This idiot Day reports daily some nonsense about "salisbury metro" coronavirus updates. These stats include Sussex county Delaware and as far south as the bay bridge tunnel. Who in the hell would trust anything this imbecile says

  3. So is our RINO
    Ignored the shore till chicken business threatened and he might lose tax dollars

  4. Panera is now closed due to staff members testing positive.

    But it is safe to eat out, until staff members get it?

    Hope their staff is recovering, I wish them well, they are missed.

  5. The DNC pundits and idiots proclaimed Chinese Corona virus will thin the herd of Trump supporters when the actual truth is opposite.
    It’s killing Democrats nearly 10 to every 1 republican. Kinda like planned Parenthood.

  6. Great info. And it is true - more pussy Democrats.


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