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Saturday, May 02, 2020

Good Question


  1. If they won't let you open, should you be able to prorate you property taxes and all other business taxes for the time you were closed?!!

  2. Are you selling beer at the pool bar? I’ll drive two hours to get one as long as it is cold. Then you and I can talk about why you were drinking the cool aid early on. Let me know Joe.

    1. Hardy har harrrr. Get you an ice cold beer!

  3. Do this and pay the government via penalty/fine for defying the state of emergency.

  4. No one has violated the constitution. The supreme court in Michigan ruled on Wednesday that lockdowns are fine during extreme situations.

    1. Hey 9:00, the Michigan courts are actually biased. They ignored the US SUPREME COURT ruling "ExParte Milligan" case. Section 71 "NO legislator, governor or designated official shall bypass the Constitition in emergencys" regarding travel, gathering, commerce, etc Im Not arguing, just giving ya the INFO per the US Supreme court. That's our problem since Trumps been elected. Every state, city, circuit court etc had been determining (Basically re-defining) laws which they have no right to do! No one can show me ANYWHERE where the "courts" have the right to make laws. Their job is to determine guilt or innocence. The US Supreme Courts decisions shouldn't be overthrown by a state supreme court.

    2. Expare Milligan is about military courts putting civilians on trial. That info you copy and pasted has been proven false. Google expartie milligan and see for yourself. People have been posting that all over Facebook but you can tell it is fake because the Milligan case took place in the 1800s and the post talks about 50 states which did not even exist back then. I can’t believe you fell for that.

  5. Anon 8:02, I totally agree. I plan to request such. Also, a reprieve of the ridiculous personal property tax--where you pay a yearly tax on equipment you already own. I will have over a month where I have no use of said equipment. MD is just absurd with taxes.

  6. instead of driving two hours from your trailer in PA, just stay there like responsible people are...you dont think the locals here want to be out and abut???..we cant because of people like YOU!

    1. ^^This. Drink your beer at home.

    2. Show some American spirit. I'll pay for your beer.

  7. You can be out and about 9:55. The traffic on the roads is pretty much like pre-shelter at home traffic. The people are soft opening on their own. We don't need permission from that fat ass in Annapolis to move on.

  8. Joe didn't you have the option of doing Pick up ? Why didn't you do it like all others did ?

  9. Great question. Actually a sherriff's dept is OUR FRONT LINE to Constitutional protection! They are the fence between US and unconstitutional government overreach, and I'm very confident Sheriff Lewis has the integrity, and TESTICLES, but as for the surrounding areas....well, good luck! To anyone who had a Constitutionally focused Sheriff, we should be clear to them, that they have our support!

    1. ✔️✔️✔️

    2. Well WHEN is someone going to TEST the Sheriff ? let's get it on.

  10. I'm not concerned about about the sheriff dept. , but I'm am concerned about the state police who are acting like Hitlers army .

    1. ✔️✔️✔️ They will be Put in there place Trust Me.

    2. If anything I've learned, is to put my trust in "Anonymous". Trust me, said with a wink.

  11. 10:56 Joe’s a millionaire.....he is paying his staff out of pocket, wouldn’t even take the Governments money to ensure paychecks!! LOL 😂


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