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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Douglas Andrews: Mail-in Voting: Dems Go for a Tammany Haul

Democrats in key states are pushing to expand voting by mail this year.

Boss Tweed may have said it best: “As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it?”

Tweed’s comment, of course, goes directly to the cornerstone of a healthy republic: the citizenry’s faith in free and fair elections. Absent that fundamental guarantee — that only honest votes will be counted — a nation’s elected leaders lack legitimacy and moral authority, and the nation itself lacks the consent of its people. And this is what separates the United States from the tyrannical regimes and the banana republics.

This electoral season, however, will see that guarantee tested to its fullest. In their zeal to defeat Donald Trump in November, and in their utter refusal to let a good crisis go to waste, Democrats at the national and state levels are using the China Virus as an excuse to promote and enact a nationwide vote-by-mail system.

One of the battlegrounds for this push is Michigan, a state whose 16 electoral votes went to Trump by a razor-thin margin in 2016. Yesterday, Trump took aim at the state’s secretary of state, Democrat Jocelyn Benson, whose office has sent 7.7 million absentee ballot applications to Michigan voters. As the president noted, “This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State. I will ask to hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!”



  1. so, we've been letting soldiers, american workers abroad, and several rural territories vote by mail for decades -in the case of soldiers since before the civil war and we conduct the census largely through the mail, but now all of a sudden in 2020 mail in voting is wrong? BS....

  2. Trump: Voting by mail is a fraud...except when I do it in Florida...exception to the rulers...

  3. SOCIALISM. The only way the Democrats can win is commit fraud / cheat.

  4. Why is the Democratic Party in DE ONLY surveying registered DE Democrats as I write this? Why are they gettin non profit rates for what they mailed? I pay the same taxes. Why must my taxes pay for garbage that I am not entitled to?

    Send the Wilmington mafia packing and let us take back our State.

    Oh yeah, why did that same gang reduce the number of polling places while they push cheating by mail?

  5. In California, when illegals are issued a drivers\'s license they are automatically registered to vote. So, they are automatically sent a ballot by mail.
    Does anyone see the opportunity for voter fraud here?

  6. Don't forget all those with your mail order ballots vote on Tuesday June 2nd don't complain if you don't vote.


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