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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Charlamagne tha God slams Joe Biden's record with African Americans after the Democrat's 'ain't black' gaffe and says his 1994 crime bill was a 'very intricate' part of 'systemic racism'

Radio host Charlamagne tha God issued a scathing rebuke to former Vice President Joe Biden following the presidential candidate's gaffe about black voters.

Charlamagne condemned Biden's track record with black voters, stating that the former vice president was a 'very intricate' part of the 'systemic racism' that needs to be 'dismantled.'

'My overall takeaway from the conversation is that I heard him talk about things he did for black people back in the day but what have you done for me lately is my motto,' the radio host explained to CNN on Friday.

'I see Black communities catching hell no matter who is in the White House.'



  1. Lenard didn’t say crap to Biden. He was lapping it up just like a good democrat. He carried Clinton’s water also.

  2. Who the hell is Lenard?

    1. Lenard “Charlamagne tha God“ McKelvey

  3. Charlamagne or Whatever TF his name is, is an unintelligent, racist African American.

  4. I agree, who the Hell is Lenard?

  5. WTF is a "Charlamagne tha God?" Typical, ignorant Yo!

  6. Lenard McKelvey is that black Goober's name.

  7. As of 2020, Charlamagne tha God's net worth is estimated to be roughly $10 Million dollars.

    What the Hell! This guy is not very intelligent and his net worth is $10 Million Dollars?? How do people get that lucky?

    1. EVERY PERSON in Congress is a millionaire. They get kickbacks to DESTROY AMERICA. Look at the Clinton's?? Why do you think the world loved Obama?? He helped them in destroying AMERICA. The entire world are in AMERICA. Our education system. Our education system. Our financial system. ALL DESTROYING AMERICA. Yet Congress allows it because they are getting MILLIONS.


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