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Friday, May 01, 2020

Coronavirus Globaloney

“It’s an obscure U.S. government bureau with many missions, including this vital one: hunting down viral diseases like COVID-19 that spill over from animals to the human world,” write James Rainey and Emily Baumgaertner of the Los Angeles Times. That would be the Global Health Bureau, part of the U.S. Agency for International Development.

In late 2019, USAID found itself “squarely in the Trump administration’s budget-slashing sights,” but is now getting as much as $535 million. That is a sizeable boost from $100 million, which the Trump administration initially proposed trimming down to a $90 million.

The new funds drew applause from Jonna Mazet, executive director of the One Health Institute at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, who “headed USAID’s previous initiative to track dangerous viruses.” The Times authors do not chart how many dangerous viruses USAID succeeded in tracking down, or how many viral diseases like COVID-19 the Global Health Bureau managed to stop or control. It was also unclear “how much of the $535 million will be spent in the coming year” and how much of it would go to administration.

For 2020, Congress allocated $123 million for the World Health Organization, which the Trump administration sought to reduce to less than $58 million. That proposal set off alarms at Foreign Policy magazine, where Robbie Gramer and Column Lynch hailed the WHO as “leading the fight against the deadly coronavirus outbreak.”



  1. I guess if you want to read all this stuff, it's fine. But I'm tired of stats, and articles by bias people for a certain agenda underneath.

  2. We need to reel it all in and start from scratch with the broadly defined donations to world causes. It seems that easily half of the funds are misused, stolen or support some globalist initiative with politics counter to our constitution.


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