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Friday, May 01, 2020

After This Development, It Might Be Time to Revisit the State Department's Role in Trump-Russia Collusion Fiasco

Christopher Steele, the ex-MI6 spook who compiled the infamous Trump dossier, was deposed being that he’s being sued by some of the Russians he named in the now-debunked document that set off the Trump-Russian collusion circus. During this lawsuit, we’ve learned that his emails with his primary source were wiped clean in December of 2016 or January of 2017. Also, it appears that there is more evidence pointing to Clinton-Russia collusion, as Steele used intelligence sources that were still active inside the Kremlin.

That part of the story really never went away. Now, we’re learning that Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton both knew about his anti-Trump activities. He testified that Rice had possibly briefed one of his friends, Strobe Talbott, who is a longtime Clinton ally, on their work (via The Federalist):

On March 17 and 18, Christopher Steele testified in a British court where he revealed both 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and former National Security Adviser Susan Rice knew about his anti-Trump dossier research.

When pressured to address exactly who knew what about the anti-Trump research, Steele conceded Hillary Clinton herself knew about the dossier research.

“I believed it was the campaign, yes,” Steele said.

“The leadership of the Clinton campaign?” a lawyer asked Steele.

“Fine, the leadership of the campaign,” Steele said.

“You also understood that Hillary Clinton herself was aware of what you were doing?” the lawyer asked.

“I think Glenn had mentioned it, but I wasn’t clear,” Steele said.

During his second day of testimony, Steele connected Rice to the dossier research. State official Jonathan Winer and Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland set up a meeting with Steele alongside longtime Clinton adviser and Steele’s friend Strobe Talbott.

Steele confirmed Nuland, Winer, and Talbott invited him for a meeting to discuss the dossier research when lawyers asked whether Talbott helped open the doors for a meeting with State officials.



  1. There is no such thing as Ex-intelligence.

    That would be like saying, I used to be a Freemason.

  2. Or a "former veteran".


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