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Saturday, May 02, 2020

China ups its spy game on US soil as it bids to control coronavirus narrative

But as the coronavirus, officially termed COVID-19, continues to assault the globe – Beijing is upping its spy game on U.S. soil with a focus on manipulating the narrative, officials and experts say.

The primary focus now, according to several current and former intelligence officials interviewed by Fox News, is attempting to control the disease narrative inside the U.S. and cast the blame game anywhere but Beijing.

One U.S. defense official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, underscored that the Chinese focus inside the U.S. remains centered on technology theft, military readiness and minimizing the blowback.

"Most assuredly, the American people will demand some kind of financial response, if not outright reparations in the many billions," the source explained. "And the Chinese cannot afford that, but they know Trump will cut into it, too."

A retired Pentagon officer underscored that its media operations are in "full swing," a slight shift from its typical focus on IP and technology theft.

"It is about saving face for them," said the source. "It's about leaking out false information, even to our [the U.S. intelligence] apparatus."

Late last month, Trump administration officials ignited a quest to root out suspected spies from prominent U.S. media outlets, as well as Chinese outlets suspected of filing predominantly false media reports to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

"There is hacking into computer systems, very active human (HUMINT) recruiting of U.S. citizens out of their embassies, consulates, and spies operating under diplomatic cover or non-official cover. They are extremely active against U.S. defense contractors and in and around technology industry hubs," noted retired Special Forces Col. James Williamson. "If not the parts themselves, at least critical components of parts, have been used in sensitive U.S. defense technology."


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