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Saturday, May 02, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Corona Virus Testing

We often hear about testing for this virus and how it's going to help open up our society. The Maryland Governor has been gracious enough to open up sixteen drive through testing facilities. All on the western shore. (Someone said there was some kind of a testing tent at the Shore Bird"s Stadium. Does anyone know?).But what is not being said is that in order to go through one of the drive in facilities you have to have an appointment by your doctor. What a lot of officials don't realize is that there are many, many people who do not have a regular doctor to make these appointments. Because of the great Obama Care Insurance Program, many people still simply can not afford to have health insurance. And if you remember when all this testing talk came about it was said there would be no charge to the person getting the test. You better believe that any time you go to a doctor, someone is going to pay whether it's Medicare, Medicaid or some other insurance. So officials, what say you? Can you enlighten us of how this testing is going to go here on the Shore? Senators, Delegates both State and Federal feel free to jump in here.


  1. Any Coronavirus related medical visits/telahealth, ER, testing, treatment etc is covered so no one needs to worry about that. So if you are sick go to the nearest Urgent Care where if needed you will be referred for testing. I am not sure about MD but I do believe in DE the testing in the Georgetown area was open for anyone who felt they were high risk with emphasis on the poultry plant workers so no referral was needed.

  2. Well don’t wait for PRMC to test you. One of their own ICU nurses is showing symptoms. They would not test her. Told her to go home and if she wanted to get tested she could go to the stadium with the rest. I guess that’s how you thank someone for their service at PRMC. They were quick to remind her of the time off policy though. Sick prople run that so called hospital. Prayers to the nurse and her family

  3. It was definitely not drive thru for anyone. It was testing for healthcare & pountry workers WITH IDENTIFICATION and the people that live in the house with.

  4. Widespread testing for the average "Joe" is NOT available npt via swab or antibody testing.

  5. You need an appointment at most drive in locations but not necessarily a doctor's note. A doctor can recommend that you go there. Also, sometimes you may be asked screening questions.

  6. Lower Shore Clinic.

  7. go to shorebirds stadium in salisbury no note just show up open until 7 pm

  8. 8:53 I know it sounds strange but IF she was showing symptoms there was no reason to test her. It would be assumed she had contracted it (or some flu strain) and since there is no specific treatment other then Tylenol, fluids and of course quarantine. Now if she were to get worse then yes the hospital would most likely test.

  9. ObamaCare is absolutely affordable. My spouse and I only pay $7.44 each month for health insurance. You can apply during Open Enrollment in the fall/winter; just check the Maryland Health Connection website.

  10. PRMC is testing and yes they are doing drive through at Perdue Stadium.

  11. May 2, 2020 at 8:31 PM such an ignorant statement. do you work, does your wife work. to get that much subsidy off the back of the taxpayer I bet neither of you work, or work part time.

    When I dropped my healthcare in 2017 my premium had risen to 1200 a month with a 3000 deductible.

    Nothing affordable about that.

    The only ones paying nothing are the ones not working.


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