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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

This represents Our View As Bar Owners In Ocean City, Maryland. Reopen Our State Governor Hogan!


  1. So... have you looked at the pictures in "opened" Sweden of bars? They look strikingly similar.

  2. I like the photo of loads of cash from the lawsuits!

  3. 9:56 Sweden did allow bars to be open but banned sitting at the bar and limited customers allowed in. If you haven't figured out by now pictures LIE especially if they are posted by the MSM then all I can say is sorry about your bad luck of having an IQ in the imbecile range. Bet you fell for the testing shortage nonsense too. Remember just yesterday CBS was caught lying and had to remove a video they had posted of cars they had staged to make it look like people were lined up to get tested. The most important thing learned from this is just how easily the human mind is manipulated when doomsday predictions are show day in and day out and make people fearful for what amounts to very little reason.

  4. The Nighthawks painting. Perfect.

  5. forget it, he is going to take away every little thing he "gives" back. i read the plan stating school to reopen next january if we all behave. that's great, how do we all go back to work and leave our underaged children to homeschool themselves or do schoolwork late at night when they are already tired. i am not a teacher for a reason, im not qualified nor do i have the patience to to learn the lesson and then teach it. someone please tell me who do we write to or call to plead for help to get these things fixed? (besides our power and fame hungry governor, he is enjoying his over extension of power too much to walk back any of his tyrannical decisions)

    1. MD schools will open in September as usual

  6. 11:00 a.m.-The school year is canceled,not the rest of the year. Seniors had 10 days left & the rest a month.

    1. The published plan states a tentative school reopening in January 2021. So yeah , last time I looked at a calendar, that would cover “the rest of the year”

  7. Schools will open next year. The teachers are in more danger than the students.

    1. Did you read the plan. It will open maybe every other day or week. Online equitable lessons are a joke. Teachers are not even writing the lesson plans.

  8. Adolph Hogan will make compensation for his "ELITE" while punishing the rest of us. That is the 3rd Reich for you.


  9. Lockdown Larry is making O'Malley look like a saint.

  10. I do hope this is not Joe's bar. Lost hope - NOT. A great place for the locals year round. Florida restaurants bars are open - Hogan needs to get real. Twit he is.

  11. I’m hearing schools may open early. Not good for summer business.

  12. No 1207...O'Palley was the worst.

  13. The teachers are writing lesson plans and they are grading the work. They are working harder than ever now. They have had use a lot of creativity to teach these students through an online platform. It is much different from teaching in a classroom. They have to prepare multiple lesson plans for those who have the ability and access to work online and also figure out a way to teach the kids that don’t have access to those things. Along with that they have to meet the criteria for students who have IEP’s as well.


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