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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Americans Must Understand the Consequences of Restoring Our Economy

What is it Republican governors should be making clear to their respective constituents — but aren't?

President Donald Trump and Republican governors are making a serious political mistake by not disclosing some critical facts about their important effort to jump-start our economy.

As I wrote six weeks ago, Americans nationwide were in dire need of an exit strategy for the economic slowdown. The administration finally announced that strategy two weeks ago, when the White House CV19 Task Force issued its guidance for re-starting our economy. And not a minute too soon, given that the current state and local policies have created job losses at near Great Depression levels.

Fortunately, President Trump last week discontinued his disastrous daily press briefings that, while initially helpful, had devolved into sniping contests between the president and the Leftmedia. That had the predictable consequence (from our perspective outside the Beltway) of making him the poster child for CV19 misery. That unfortunate outcome plays right into the Pelosi/Schumer Demo tag team’s congressional pandemic inquisition, the “hearings” for which will provide a constant flow of layups for the Democrat Party’s effort to hang Trump with the human and economic costs between now and the November election.

That is inevitable, even though the president rightly, in accordance with federalist principles, left to the nation’s governors the decision as to what measures to take beyond CDC guidelines.

Republican governors’ biggest mistake when launching their respective state economic restoration protocols is failing to tell their constituents that re-opening will result in additional infections and deaths.

More here


  1. Republicans don't need to be told self evident truths that any idiot can see.


  2. But 'the people' may have unreasonable expectations about the process of re-opening and they need to be reminded of the realities we face.

    You can be sure the democrats will try to manufacture an issue with the numbers.

  3. "On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero" (Fight Club). If we wait for the risk level to be zero, we will never open again.

  4. "But 'the people' may have unreasonable expectations about the process of re-opening and they need to be reminded of the realities we face."

    Lets fix that sentence to read:

    But 'the people' DO have unreasonable expectations about the process of re-opening and MUST be reminded of the realities we face.


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