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Monday, April 20, 2020

'You know, during World War II, you know, Roosevelt came up with a thing:' Joe Biden rambles and struggles for words during interview on coronavirus response

Joe Biden rambled and struggled for words during a CNN interview on Thursday about the coronavirus response, seemingly suggesting the White House should use WWII policies to deal with the pandemic.

Speaking to Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Biden stumbled his way through the evening interview, after being asked his thoughts about President Trump's three-phase plan to reopen the country.

After a long-winded reply about a lack of testing, Biden said: 'You know, there's a uh, during World War II, uh, you know, where Roosevelt came up with a thing uh, that uh, you know, was totally different than a, than the, the, it's called, he called it the, you know, the World War II, he had the war the War Production Board.

'I don't know why we don't set up something like a pandemic production board.'



  1. Joe needs a wheelchair and an entry into an old folks home. I'm sorrry. This guy is no longer a political leader to anyone

  2. I want a Prezxideny wghp want's a thing, man. Cheese, defuse!

  3. He's running on fumes.

  4. Joe Biden has dementia. Bad. Why doesn't his wife do like Ronald Regan's wife Nancy did, and preserve his dignity? Quit propping him up for all to see how bad it is. If he doesn't have something to read from he is lost. And sometimes he is lost even if he does have something to read. I feel sorry for the man himself, but I hate that people even think he can run this country. Especially now with the virus and China and Russia flexing their muscles thinking we are too sick to do anything about it.

  5. He does remember helping the Write Brothers in N. Carolina when he was 21 years old.

  6. It's ashame
    He's already gone
    I don't blame him at all
    I blame his wife Jill big time for keep putting him out there all the time
    She's just thinking about herself plain and simple
    It's really a shame

  7. They are never going to let him debate DJT. Ever.

  8. Becoming very obvious that there WILL be a brokered convention. Biden is the shill on the strings for the moment. Come convention someone will pop out of the woodwork and delegates will pour into that camp; someone needs to leak what is going on behind the scenes. Believe that the Trump camp is already preparing for that.

  9. Come on guys
    His wife has nothing to do with it.
    He still owes everything to the family (DuPonts) so he will keep going as long as they want him to. This is big time politics. He sold his soul to the devil.

  10. I don't know WHY they don't ELIMINATE him from the Race for POTUS ???

  11. How could his wife stand by and let this go on?

  12. A complete A-hole!!!!

  13. Biden is my man! There is no doubt that when elected he will eliminate this virus and create a state of utopia the likes of which our country has never seen! You go Joe!

  14. 9:18 yes, give him a parade in Dallas.

  15. 9:18 He so disserves a JFK haircut, he really should have a visit to Dallas. If a dog got like him we'd do the same.

  16. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  17. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.


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