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Monday, April 20, 2020

MSNBC's Hot Take: 'If You Want the Government to Open, Then You Want More Black and Brown People to Die'

A panel of CNN guests accused Americans who want to see their country reopen of hating certain minority groups and wanting "more black and brown people to die." The ignorant and hateful comments were spewed on Joy Reid's Sunday episode of "AM Joy."

Renee Graham, an opinion writer for the Boston Globe, believes the protestors aren't really upset about losing their jobs and businesses or being told they no longer have the freedom to associate, buy certain products, watch sports, receive certain medical treatments (don't worry, abortion is safe), send their kids to school, attend churches, or even enjoy certain outdoor activities. What Graham thinks when she sees "a bunch of white people" protesting is that surely they must want more black and brown people to die.

"One thing I think is really interesting is how these protests have started after all the headlines last week or so about the disproportionate effect the virus is having in communities of color, and so when I look at these protests what I see are a bunch of white people essentially saying 'oh, it's affecting those people, so why do I have to change my life for them,'" said Graham.

Senior writer for The Root, Michael Harriot, then told Joy Reid that the protestors are saying "quite clearly" that they "want more black and brown people to die."



  1. We want the country to open up because we want more men to die. Even though women make up 56 percent of the over 65 years old population (which has made up more than 80% of deaths from China virus in the US) and outnumber men 126 to 100 in the highest risk group of those aged 85 and over, women comprise only about 40% of the deaths.

    In fact men are dying at twice the rate of women.

  2. Damn right they vote Democrat and that is a sin.

  3. 12:40am. Wrong.

    Where do u get your info from. More men are dying over women by a few percentage points. Stop spreading lies.

  4. Now America, how is this responsible analysis? Is this not about the most ridiculous claim ever made? These people are clueless when it comes to statistics and it is painfully obvious that they are either extremely stupid or extremely lazy that they are so woefully unprepared. Joy is such a racist that she can't see rationally due to her extreme prejudice. Again statistics that purport an uneven death rate among minorities solely based on underlying conditions can't be taken for face value. Idiocy, pure and simple that further denounces any shred of credibility.

  5. They truly don't think much of blacks do they. To them they're just a leverage tool against Trump.

  6. Where does the left come up with this shit? They are nucking futz.

  7. Chips fall where they fall baby !!! And they keep Wining over & over !!!!

    Looks like they Blame the White people for the Virus > Proves They Racist !!!

    If more White died than Black they would not complain, they would be Happy

  8. White, black, brown, yellow, green, red.

    Americans are dying - PERIOD.

  9. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  10. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.


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