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Sunday, April 05, 2020

Why Hasn't Mayor Day Been Deployed?


  1. He is a chicken shit.

  2. I'm pretty sure the NG don't want him either!

  3. Maybe the Army sees how he screwed up Salisbury and doesn't want failure.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

  5. He hasn't deployed cuz hes an arm chair quarter back

  6. The reserve deploys only when orders are issued. Smart money says have your ruck packed and ready.

  7. Because he’s all show no go !

  8. Jake will want to control the bury while pushing his pen and kissing ass.

  9. This deployment is the biggest joke. Mayor Day signed up for this. A 38 year old man willing to leave his family to go to Africa and sit at a desk because let’s be real he’s not going on the front line. He is only doing this thinking it will further his career 😂😂😂. This man has no regard for his family. He only thinks of himself. His parents did a terrible job raising him. Built his ego to the point of no return. He is demeaning to women. Abuses his wife and girls. So sad folks

    1. She will be in prison soon so he should go... Cough cough.

  10. Couldn't even keep wife #2 off drugs. That brings about a question what happened to marriage with wife #1, sent to Bethesda to never be heard of again. Bet she could tell some stories. Deploy the Mayor he can't even serve Salisbury as Mayor---what a FAILURE!

  11. Because he is a PU$$Y!

    Why do you think he became the Generals Chauffeur?? So he could avoid being deployed!

  12. Not defending that coward but Ghetto’Bury doesn’t have a Deputy Mayor. They should though!!

  13. Jake doesn't get deployed because his job as mayor is considered critical. Do you all see the big picture and the true character of the boy mayor yet? He's using the mayor position to avoid active military status yet putting in years towards a retirement. Then the one that pisses me off is the open checkbook he's awarded as mayor to develop his political aspirations. He's literally doing on the job training as the mayor of the lowly shit hole that salisbury has become.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

    2. You can blame that open checkbook on Jack Heath and Manure Bota! A real elected leader wouldn’t allow that to happen, especially a registered republican, especially a Vice President of the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee.

  14. That Blonde should be a registered sex offender. Just saying.

    1. The blonde that you speak of is Liz. She is NOT a sex offender. She made a mistake and asked a kid to get her adderal a medication to help you focus. She needed it because she works full time; coaches; has full responsibility of her children because her husband, your Mayor, is never home! When he’s not at work he goes to the Brick Room to get toasted. Then to top it all off the Mayor is abusive to his wife.

  15. in the rear with the gear. this is what you get when you have a pretend boy mayor/soldier! useless!

  16. My son was a student at JMB and he can tell you all about Liz if you know what I mean, Wink Wink! I gave him a High Five!

  17. #FakedayFakemayorFakesolider

  18. He has to stay home and keep his wife from molesting school children for drugs.

    1. So far from the truth. Liz is a kind person who made a big mistake asking a student to get her adderal.

    2. Bingo, 3:17 PM

  19. I bet she was thinking the whole time " hurry up and get this over with so can do some TUTORING". ADDERALL TWINS

  20. He's Hot for Teacher !!!

  21. Jake, how does all this make you feel. Salisbury is not your friend. Please move on and let someone who knows what they are doing run this city. By the way how incredibly stupid and waste of money have you done to waverly and to the area around the park by Elks. I have NEVER seen anything so dumb in all my life. You are a poor excuse of someone spending OUR money for dumb things. and ............you are also NOT making downtown better. You just want to make it for liberal thugs! So once you get the college crowd and thugs there it will fail just like Brew River has. Nice people are afraid to even go there. Too many fights and even a stabbing there this year. Step down little boy and let a person with some sense take over! (and that would not be Boda or Heath!)

  22. He’s trying to urbanize Salisbury....sorry bud not going to happen! Why don’t you get a real job instead of turning a part time job into what you think is full time. Make some real money to support your family instead of living off your parents. Time to grow up! Be a husband and father and take responsibility for your own damn expenses. Jake you are a Loser!

  23. the best thing she could ever do for herself is get rid of his sorry ass. If the truth be told she was probably getting the drugs for him.

  24. Yes, she should get rid of him. He is the root cause to the request for adderal. He is abusive! Personality flips from one day to the next. Worry for her safety and the little girls.

    1. I hope people really would understand this. You can tell he's all jacked up on something in a lot of his social media garbage. There's no way he would have been able to keep the pace he set trying to fulfill all this URBANIZATION of our once beautiful city.

  25. This would have been funnier if it was in English

  26. He’s trying to urbanize Salisbury...

    Really? with 40+% poverty and rising and 70+% rentals and
    8+% and rising foreclosure and he thought urbanizing was the thing to do?

  27. What is a Dep Mayor?

  28. H.S Football team wants her back !!! LOL LOL LOL

  29. ewwww what's that smell.April 6, 2020 at 12:39 AM

    Jake Day is assigned to Latrines in the Guard...He is the proud Captain of the CHIT HOUSE.

    since they RAN out of toilet paper

    he has no job with the national guard at this point

  30. Wish I had a teacher like that when I was in school....Would have been awesome...


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