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Sunday, April 05, 2020

‘In Two Weeks Around Easter, We’re Going To Be Looking A Lot Like New York’, Gov. Larry Hogan Says

Publishers Notes: OK Idiot, then why haven't you ordered a shelter in place order before it's too late!

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Gov. Larry Hogan says he believes that the Maryland, DC, and Virginia area will be looking “a lot like New York,” by Easter.

The Chairmen of the Governors Association and Maryland governor spoke on Fox News Sunday about the coronavirus pandemic and some of the messaging coming out of the White House

President Donald Trump said last week that some of the social distancing measures will be able to be relaxed soon, and life could be going back to normal, possibly even by Easter.

Gov. Hogan spoke on CNN’s New Day show later that week, saying that some of the messaging coming out of the White House is “pretty confusing.”, adding his team didn’t believe cases have reached their peak yet in the state.




    1. You do know that some people live on this side and work on the other side of the bridge. Can’t just shut it down.

  2. He seems to be too busy doing the media rounds. This is going to come back and bite him in the ass. His legacy is going to be watching Baltimore burn and 1000s dying from his lack of balls to do the right thing. We need at least a week of shelter in place.

  3. RINO POS!!! Says he’s not going to listen to trump. Yeah so let’s let your TDS let it get worse before you make everybody stay home!!! If the whole country would of just stayed home for two weeks we might of been back open by Easter. If your gonna do it half A$$, might as well not do it at all. I’m a young healthy man I’m not worried about me, but my older parents who have underlying heath issues and others out there alike are who I’m worried about. Everybody needs to stop and stay home for two weeks and just see what happens but this fool will wait til we do look like New York before he shuts it down. Hope he never runs for any office ever again because he won’t ever get my vote again!

  4. And why didn't you keep the out of staters away from OC?

  5. Testing is still an issue.

  6. All these O'Malley lovers! Bet you miss Glendening too.

  7. If he really thinks that then a stay in place order would be the logical step... either he’s a liar or incompetent

  8. POS will be on CNN this week blaming Trump for everything ,screw you Hogie you talk this crap,if you truly believe it shut shit down ,NOW

  9. People are absolutely clueless. There are people EVERYWHERE. No one is heading any of these warnings. People are laughing in your face Hogan. This will be the end of man kind because of stupidity and ignorance.

  10. Trump says it will be over by Easter

    Trump! Trump! Trump!

    1. At 4:20 no less

    2. President Trump did not say this would be over by Easter, he said he was "hopeful" that it would be. He has since changed his tone as the spread has greatly worsened.

  11. I watched that interview. Hogan is waiting on our President to make the hard decisions he should be making so he can do what politicians do, run and hide. He makes me literally want to vomit.

    Hogan, resign now. We need a brave leader, not some whiny limp wristed fool like you.

  12. Rhino Hogan is following the Democrat Pelosi agenda and instill freight in MD citizens and offering nothing positive. What is this idiot doing to protect MD citizens? He is to stupid to realize that his sanctuary policy is a contributing factor, since they have had little to none vaccinations. Look at the main areas of infected. They are the illegal sanctuary areas. Hogan and the Democrats will not reveal this factor which proves how they are destroying the living in MD. Needs to close all three bridges and isolate the Eastern Shore.

  13. man, people are idiots! If you have federal clearance to work, what ever he does, doesn't matter. Any have any idea how many local companies have this?

  14. So these Governors whose job it is to run their respective states is blaming Trump for their own incompetence. Priceless.

  15. Get Larry the dumbocrat out of there he's done absolutely nothing for Maryland besides take away our guns rights and continue to crush our economy.....send Maryland back to work #itsjustacold

  16. Glad that I ALREADY left MD (12 years ago)!

  17. Hogan has been a joke as a leader. Absolutely pathetic.

  18. Went by Salisbury park for a drive today with dog just to get out did not exit car. Lots of people at playground. I thought they were all closed? Where is the enforcement?

    1. I was at the park today....the playground IS closed. People were walking or running BY THEMSELVES in the fresh air. NO GATHERINGS OR GROUPS.

  19. Damn it Hogan, shut Maryland down, NOW!!!

  20. As an Ocean City Bus Driver, I'm glad to see that Maryland is shutting down. I don't look forward to driving a bus with up to 40 infected passengers sitting behind me whether they are drunk or not. A LARGE proportion of Springfest attendees are elderly patients from nearby who are likely victims of this virus. It should not be their last trip before death. There are other diversions other than Ocean City where risk is far less.

  21. #shutdownMaryland

  22. Everyone needs to call is office and let him know to shut it down its an answering machine but voice your opinion keep calling ppl your local reps all the way to the white house! Social media is only read by those looking.

  23. On my way home from work this afternoon, saw about 15 to 20 people standing belly to butt waiting in line at Rita's.

    1. Hahaha! Belly to butt. I love it.

  24. Hogan the fence sitter. Waiting to see which way the wind blows before hi picks a side. People cannot stay at home if their places of employment are still open. In his little order he wrote last week most of the businesses in Maryland are allowed to stay open. Hogan is a joke. Afraid to make the call to shut down MD. Hey Larry keep patting yourself on the back for telling people to stay at home without telling the businesses they have to close.

  25. Great message from governor. So much for hope.

  26. you know what...dont wait for Hogan to tell you to do whats right, stay home....let the Virus take the dumb!!!!

  27. Shelter in place won't make a difference. You're literally allowed to go anywhere, since 95% of businesses are still open and considered essential.

  28. No one is heading the stay at home order! It’s incredible everyone is treating this like an extended vacation especially government workers who think they won’t be fired or laid off. Wake up without businesses provided taxes ie payroll, sales local, state and federal municipalities go broke and trim budgets. THIS IS NOT AN EXTENDED VACATION! Stay home let’s end this thing!

  29. Hogan, and his other DEM Gov.'s, want to say Trump did not act fast enough, yet Hogan allowed St. Patrick's weekend to proceed. Thousands of people Partying all over the State of Maryland and he know's he should have shut it down the Thursday/Friday before that weekend. He let the Car Dealership' Bully him into allowing Salesman to still work on Car Show Floors! People understand Service/Repair as being essential, but when you force the Car Salesman to be non-essential on Monday and then you let the Car Salesman Group Bully you to change that in less than 24 hours makes you look really bad! Hogan needs to stop criticizing others and stop getting in front of the camera unless it is for us Marylander's and its important! We do not need another timeline review.

  30. Why can't you stupid people just stay at home. Is there some reason you need to be told?

  31. Now in our neighborhood has New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey tags.

  32. I got your 420 buddy
    Catch you on the flip


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