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Thursday, April 30, 2020

White House's Social Distancing Guidelines Will Be 'Fading Out,' Trump Says

President Trump said the existing coronavirus social distancing guidelines that are set to expire with the end of April on Thursday will not be extended further, as more governors begin steps to lift restrictions and reopen their economies.

The administration said the existing social distancing recommendations are being incorporated by governors into their new future plans.

"They'll be fading out, because now the governors are doing it," Trump said.

During a White House meeting with Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards on Wednesday, Trump commended governors for taking steps to reopen their economies.

The original two-week guidelines that were extended 30 more days called for Americans to work from home, limit travel and avoid large gatherings.

Vice President Pence said the existing guidelines were being applied to the new guidance issued by the White House on how states can reopen safely.

"Every state in America has embraced those guidelines at a minimum, or even done more, and now our focus is working with states," Pence said. "The current guidelines, I think you can say, are very much incorporated in the guidance that we're giving states to open up America again."



  1. Sure they will.
    Unless they don't.

    I think it will fade out.
    I think people will be amazed at how fast it fades out.
    Nobody has seen anything fade out like this.
    But it might not fade out.
    It might get worse.
    Or it might be about like it was before.

    Get it?

    Are you people awake?
    Are you alive?
    Pinch yourself.

  2. My rich friends made a lot of money out of this. Go back to work and listen to what I tell you.

  3. I said that social distancing thing was a joke right from the start of it. Everyone will exposed, like it or not


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