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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Virginia AG waives witness signatures for some absentee voters

Some Virginians submitting absentee ballots in the June primary will not be required to have a witness sign the envelope, the state’s attorney general announced Tuesday.

Officials will accept absentee ballots without a witness signature “for voters who believe they may not safely have a witness present while completing their ballot,” the Office of the Attorney General said in a statement, citing the order submitted to a federal court.

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring, a Democrat, said the agreement would protect voting rights and public health amid the coronavirus pandemic by not forcing voters to break social distancing orders to seek out a witness.

State law mandates voters who send an absentee ballot through the mail open the envelope in front of another person and ask the witness to sign it before the ballot is returned.



  1. This is an attempt to overthrow the government by the dumbocrats.

  2. All over social media the Democrats are Ok with this. They know that Democrats will get elected by cheating and voter fraud. If they thought for once that Republicans would get elected then their would be outrage!!

  3. Replies
    1. Hey 2:57, Your right, but WONT be a joke if the Virginians dong STAND THEIR GROUND. If they don't, S#%it's gonna get real there! COME ON VIRGINIA, STEP UP TO THAT COMMUNIST NORTHAM!!!

  4. Ahhh, HELLO....VIRGINIA,WAKE THE $#&% UP!!! Last year all of you that voted for Trump (good), but DIDNT show up anc VOTE for your city, county and other state elections (BAD) are why you're in that position now! We cant help you, YOU NEED TO PUT A DOG IN THE RACE, or your done!!! ITS ALL IN YOU, NOW STAND YOUR GROUND BEFOREVITS TOO LATE!!!

  5. This is total BS.

  6. So cancel the election if we cannot follow the law.


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