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Wednesday, April 08, 2020

WH adviser claims he's a 'social scientist' qualified to take on Fauci

Peter Navarro, Donald Trump's economic adviser, said Monday that he is qualified to weigh in on the effectiveness of malaria drug hydroxychloroquine on coronavirus because he is a social scientist.

'Doctors disagree about things all the time,' Navarro said when asked on CNN Monday morning why he is better qualified to talk about the drug's effectiveness on COVID-19 than Dr. Anthony Fauci.

'My qualifications in terms of looking at the science is that I'm a social scientist,' he continued. 'I have a PhD, and I understand how to read statistical studies, whether it's in medicine, the law, economics or whatever.'

Navarro, 70, earned his Bachelor of Arts in 1972, a Master of Public Administration from Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government in 1979 and went on to obtain a PhD in Economics from Harvard in 1986.



  1. Being able to read does not qualify one to give medical advice that is beyond their degree. Ego seems to be this guy's biggest problem. President Trump should stand him in the corner with a dunce cap to prevent future embarrassment.

  2. phd does not equal a life in the medical field. I would not take medical advice from a statistician.

  3. HAHAHA! That's the stupidest....

    It's like Chef Boyardee telling you that what comes out of the can is fine dining from Little Italy!

    I should trust a "social scientist" over and expert in the field of immunology when it comes to this PANDEMIC.

    I hope, no one is so foolish.

  4. The nation loves Dr. Tony. Peter what have you done that has helped?

  5. Bear in mind that the FDA depends on STATISTICS to approve the use of a drug, not just the opinion of a Dr.

  6. LOL...this guy sounds like the perfect running mate for Creepy Joe!

  7. Fauci is but one doctor. Additionally he is a part of the Center for Disease Control in which he neither prevented the spread to the states in time nor is he controlling it. What he has done is put the responsibility on society and demand we control it.

  8. Just because a person is a “Doctor” doesn’t mean he is a qualified MD, just means he went thru the required procedures for the title. On average, I would trust one out of ten to be really competent. The bottom of the class graduates too, you know.


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