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Wednesday, April 08, 2020

2 Passengers Die Aboard "Coral Princess" Cruise Ship Amid Another COVID-19 "Nightmare At Sea"

Two people on the Coral Princess cruise ship died overnight, after the ship reported 12 positive cases of coronavirus on Thursday, according to an announcement from the ship’s captain, who said the ship likely wouldn’t arrive in South Florida on Saturday as planned, but would rather make landfall on Sunday.

The captain didn’t say whether the deceased had tested positive for the virus, but he confirmed they were treated in the ship’s medical center.

"I know how difficult this news is to bear, but given the current situation, we remain committed to transparent and consistent communication with you," he said. "This information will need to be shared with shoreside authorities and will become public, so I wanted you to hear it from me first," the Captain said, according to a recording of the announcement provided to the Washington Post.



  1. People are crazy still accumulating in groups...OMG...

  2. I've personally had worse nightmares.

  3. The Cruise industry should not be bailed out until they register the ships in the USA. Almost all cruise lines have foreign registry to avoid paying taxes to America!

  4. How can we shut down so much in the country, but a cruise which is certainly not essential, can continue on. And then it is not registered in the United States, yet they expect the United States to save each ship?! It is rediculous.

  5. NO cruise ships should be in operation now...NONE!

    As for the deaths - they could have drowned in the ship's pool and it would still be claimed as a COVID 19 death...pitiful!


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