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Saturday, April 11, 2020


The US has become the first country in the world to record more than 2,000 deaths from the coronavirus in a single day, and the number of infections across America has now topped 500,000.

Stark figures show that 2,028 Americans died from coronavirus in a single day on Friday, taking the death toll to almost 19,000.

As the nation mourns its darkest day on record during the pandemic, the total number of Americans infected skyrocketed past half a million.

The death toll increased to 18,798 Friday and infections reached 505,478, as another 35,579 Americans tested positive.

Short on time, but still want to stay informed? The War Room Highlights covers clips from all 3 hours of the broadcast!

The US is on track to become the deadliest nation in the world amid the outbreak, as it rapidly edges closer to Italy’s death toll of 18,849.

In a matter of days, it has surpassed Spain’s death toll (16,081) which was previously hardest-hit after Italy.

Worldwide, more than 100,000 people have now been killed in the pandemic.

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  1. Better STAY on Lockdown all summer !!! Govt better NOT send you back
    to work or school too Early !!! Lawyers will be SUEING if needed !!!

    Govt has ENDLESS $$$$ , they just want to get you back out there so
    they don't use their $$$$ but use your company's $$$ !!!

    They just keep Printing more $$$ & can print Forever , adding on more
    printing presses !!! We don't have that LUXERY !!!

    They are Greedy & just want you to generate more TAX $$$$ for them !!!

  2. Nancy the boys , adam chuck China This is an act of war on the people of the U S. YOU ARE GETTING READY TO SEE WHAT YOUR LIFE IS WORTH.

  3. Not trying to make light of a deadly situation, but comparing Spain, US is 19 times larger. Population wise, Spain has 49.0 million, US has 277.7 million.

    1. 330,000,000 plus

    2. Your math is wrong, but your point is correct.

  4. 7:39 Everyone keeps forgetting that important comparison. Thank you for reminding us how much bigger we are than some of the other countries.
    We also don’t know if everyone in every country was tested to be sure that is what killed them.

  5. ALL the Good & Innocent WILL be in Heaven !!! Fear NOT !!!!

    Someday we ALL will go !!! Happy Easter 2020 !!!!


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