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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Hundreds of bodies are being recovered from New York City homes every day

Hundreds of bodies are being recovered from New York City homes every day but are NOT included in coronavirus death count even if they had symptoms - as the city increases burials in mass graves on Hart Island

Hundreds of people dying in their homes or on the street in New York City are not being including in thecoronavirus death count even if they had symptoms - suggesting the city may be significantly under-counting its COVID-19 fatalities.

Data from the NYC fire department shows that 1,125 people died in their homes or on the street in the first five days of April alone, which is more than eight times the number of deaths recorded this time last year when when 131 people died.

The daily tally of residents who died at home with coronavirus-like symptoms exploded from 45 on March 20 to 241 on April 5, the data shows.

The fire department data is based on information collected during 911 calls involving cardiac or respiratory arrest with fever and cough - symptoms that are in line with severe coronavirus cases.



  1. This, & the govt can't wait to make you go back to work & school !!!

    Because they don't want to Pay you any longer than they Have to !!!!

    1. It definitely makes us feel like we don't matter.

  2. DeBlasio & Cuomo are responsible. This is because of their poor leadership. If Cuomo spent less tome on TV prepping for a VP or P run, maybe he would do a better job.

  3. Wow. ... so sad.
    We are supposed to be the richest country in the world. I bet the number if immigrants requesting asylum has decreased

  4. Well, this thing should certainly change the census numbers for NYC. They might lose a representative or two in congress. Always a silver lining. (Lord I apologize, I know it's a bad thing to say, even if true)


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